December 15, 2011
A passage I marked with a tab at
some point in the past, on p.39 NAUSEA
of my trade paper edition of
Sartre's "Nausea":
"This is what I thought: for the most banal
even to become an adventure, you must (and
this is enough) begin to recount it. This
is what fools people: a man is always a
teller of tales, he lives surrounded by his
stories and the stories of others, he sees
everything that happens to him through them;
and he tries to live his own life as if he
were telling a story."
"But you have to choose: live or tell."
Well, this sort of thing always
get my back up: I don't think
fiction and reality are
necessarily in opposition.
For example, trying to live your life
"as though it were a story" might easily "Driving force"?
be the driving force of your life, and
it's no worse a motivation than many We used to talk
another. Or not obviously so... Though about "the mainspring
there are a lot of questions about what of your existence"
that might mean. back when mechanical
watches were hot.
And just to be hypocritical,
I'm also the kind of person I'm not sure there's
who gets annoyed with people any modern analog.
who appear to be trying to "That was the voltage
do "dramatic dialog", just adapter of his existence".
like their favorite soaps.
(The wall wart
of his existence?)
But then, Sartre isn't really arguing
along any of those lines, he's not really
dissing fiction (in this piece of
fiction), he's talking about a related
issue (*many* things are related issues):
spontaniety vs. self-consciousness.
He claims you can either live and be
engaged with life or you can step
back and narrate the tale of what's
Now, as it happens I don't
think this is quite right And perhaps neither does Sartre...
either. these are the thoughts of a
character in a novel, and a
It's a really common character in flux, at that.
fear among young
intellectuals: On the page before he's bemoaning the
lack of adventure in his life story:
Has my slow, plodding
intelligence socially "I'm so happy when a Negress
crippled me, does it sings, what heights could I not
make it impossible to reach if my own life were the
relate to the relaxed, subject of the melody?"
natural "spontaneous"
mass of humanity? NAUSEA
And the close of the novel, he
resolves to begin writing an
adventure story...