December 16, 2022
March 18, 2023
About "System Error" (2021):
This book is dismissive of the idea that
big companies can "self-regulate". They
think of this as reaching for the dream of
a philosopher king.
But myself, I think the authors have their
own philospher king problem...
"We need an alternative model of what we
want from our politics-- not utopian social
engineering, as Plato imagined, but
'piecemeal engineering,' in Popper's words. ...
Without a blueprint for where we want
to end up-- because such a thing is So the idea here is we're
impossible to achieve-- we must focus going to get some good
instead on identifying and mitigating the guys elected who will
harms and suffering we want to avoid. At appoint smart,
this task, democracies have generally well-intentioned (and
excelled: avoiding mass starvation; incorruptible?) people
preventing nuclear war; eliminating extreme who won't be be able to
poverty and suffering." -- p.75 pull off any grand
schemes-- and in fact will
not have any, because
those are impossible--
but they'll make the
right moves to steer us
You can tell you're dealing away from outright
with "moderates" here: catastrophes.
they're big believers in
democracy but don't have
any positive ideas that
would inspire anyone to
vote for them. "Vote for us
us, we're the party that
sucks less."
But then, I don't think they
endorse any party throughout this
book, but it's pretty clear that
the only reasonable way we can
get toward the future they
envision (without admitting to
anything like Vision) is "Step Remember the sub-heading
one: elect a bunch of democrats." for this book: "How we
can reboot".
Democracy is supposed to appoint us as it's crack
team of anti-technocratic experts so we can get to
work on "piecemeal engineering", and then we can
get to work nudging those billionaries to do The
Less wrong Thing or else we'll keep making them
come down to congressional hearings.
This fantasy of "if only guys like *us* were in
charge, everything would be fine" strikes me
as the real "philospher king" problem.
Notably, Jeremy Weinstein had a position in the
Obama administration, which seems common for
people arguing in this direction: if only we
could bring back the good old days of moderate
Democrats triumphant.
(They also criticize they echo-chamber bubble
phenomena the internet often seems to encourage--
but it's only those other tribes that have
problems with tribalism.)