December 16, 2022
March 18, 2023
About "System Error" (2021):
In the introduction for this book,
they cover the story of Aaron
Schwartz, the brilliant young man who
committed suicide in 2013. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz
It's nice to see someone taking the
trouble to remember Aaron Schwartz,
but what really does this have with
the main thesis of the book?
None of regulatory changes proposed
here are targeted at opening up the
world of scientific publications.
What would have prevented MIT from
hounding Schwartz to death?
Perhaps the idea is that this is a
good example of capitalism gone Reading closely, on p. xxiii
wild: a saner style of corporate they refer to Schwartz death
governance might reduce the in 2013 as a "hinge event",
liklihood of these incidents... but and decry the fact that this
if that is the idea, they might've brilliant, idealistic programmer
said so. is never mentioned today--
So they're complaint is that the
sole focus of technological
development is getting rich,
not doing something worthwhile.
And they regard this as
part of the "optimization
mindset"-- picking a parameter
to optimize as a goal, and
not questioning if it's the
right parameter.