November 14, 2006
Conservatives years hence will
still be trying to live down (A political prediction that
their association with Bush the was right, for once, during
Second. the 2012 election at least.)
I'm beginning to think he's
going to become a figure on Which is not to suggest
the Right much like Stalin that Bush has killed as
is on the left -- many people as Stalin
(though give him time).
He's long since
passed the
"worse than
Nixon" mark.
Soviet Russia was initially the
great hope of the left --
Freud referred to it as "that
great experiment to the East". FREUD
The fact that this experiment went
so disastrously astray did a lot
to discredit left-wing ideas.
Much worse though, was the
sheer length of time it took
for it to sink-in how far
astray it had all gone.
As late as the mid-1970s, I
was still hearing apologies
for communist dictatorships
from the left -- they would
go off to the Soviet Union, After Gorbachev, after the Berlin
do the show tour of Moscow, Wall came down, it became apparent
and come back telling us all that the Soviets had been running
how it wasn't as bad as the a bluff all these years.
propaganda made it out to
be ("and the subways are And it appears that the Western
so clean!"). "military industrial complex"
had been playing along with them
to justify it's own funding --
As, for example, Andrew
Cockburn had claimed in his
book "The Threat" (1983).
Another person who
had seen through it
in some fashion, was
Of late, there's been a lot of Heinlein: see his
new wine going about into the remarks in "Expanded
old bottles, and a hell of a Universe".
lot of people haven't noticed
the change in flavor.
The Right we have
is a New Right. "It's not your father's
Republican party any
And the Left is (yet more." -- Tom Whisker,
another) New Left. "Weaponry", WBAI ~2005
Robert Fisk writes about the film
"Good Night, and Good Luck":
"Murrow is played by an actor, but
McCarthy appears only in real archive
footage. Incredibly, a test audience
in New York complained that the man
'playing' McCarthy was 'overacting.'
Will we say this about Bush in years
to come? I suspect so."
From the article "America slowly confronts the truth"