November 29, 2006
Mark Crispin Miller
complains that not
only did the mainstream
press ignore a lot of
the problems with the
2004 election, the LAST_EXIT_FOR_DEMOCRACY
liberal press was
very weak on the subject.
"Mother Jones" and "Salon"
both ran sing-them-to-sleep The Mother Jones story
stories, and there was silence was by Mark Hertsgaard:
from many other quarters.
He asks a litany of "where was"
questions, something like:
"Where was The Nation?
Where was Z Magazine?"
And leads up to:
"Where was Amy Goodman, for
that matter..."
After the one debate
between Miller and Hertsgaard,
she dropped the story.
"Democracy Now", for all it's
excellence in many directions, As is not
has some limitations... surprising:
it's a very
One of the problems is small team.
that Amy Goodman doesn't
really have a technical
background, and when she
gets near a technical
subject, all she can
really do is bring in E.g. a debate between
representatives of the makers of the "Loose
competing sides and have Change" documentary and
them face off. the editors of "Popular
That works tolerably well,
but then there's no way
she can really do follow-up Did she even mention
on the story. the RFK story that
appeared in "The Rolling
She did, however, return Stone"?
to subject of election
irregularities immediately (Just once, as far as I
before the 2006 election -- can tell from web searches,
when it was too late to in an interview question.)
make any changes.
Notably, Steven Freeman was
never invited on the show,
(though I've heard Bleifuss
interviewed on another show
on KPFA).
Ah, but as of January 13, 2006
she's got a 'network neutrality'
story... I was wondering if she
would cover that.