February 18, 2021
In the days when broadcast television ruled
the collective consciousness, it was argued https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_fairness_doctrine
that since they were using a publically
owned and managed resource-- the
electromagnetic communications spectrum--
they didn't deserve to invoke any right to With cable television came an
free speech, and instead the FCC imposed increase in the number of
"The Fairness Doctrine", and "the equal-time communication channels, and
rule", and the networks all more-or-less since they were no longer so
walked carefully, keeping their messaging scarce-- and since the
toned-down with an eye toward Responsible right-wing "free market"
Journalism. libertarians of the Reagan era
hated government involvement
How was this enforced? with anything-- the Fairness
Doctrine was dropped in 1987.
"Voluntary compliance".
Or else. In 1988 Rush Limbaugh broke
out of the local Sacramento
market and moved to a New
I grew up during this era, and York station, and was on
I didn't think very much of his way to world domination.
these rules at the time.
Television news programming Fox News was founded in 1996.
struck me as very bland and
uninteresting, and I spent (The same year as
much of my time listening to "Democracy Now".)
WBAI, the left-wing Pacifica
News station in New York.
One of my many gripes: "equal time"
applied just to the two big parties,
screening out independents and third
parties from any serious attention.
You occasionally get people
looking at the present-day state
of the country and fantasizing
about a return to the days of
the Fairness Doctrine.
I won't say it can't be done, but
it would need a radically different Note though, this is an
rationale, given the explosion of explosion of *channels*
channels of information available not of actual sources of
on the internet. information. There
are a handful of actual
news agencies out there,
most of the things you
see on the net are just
echoes of them.
The kids seem to feel like The Solution is
to harass the big companies via Twitter
until they all decide to ban the bad guys.
I'm a bit skeptical of that one.