March 8, 2021
Let us step through
the obvious-- "admittedly, one of
my specialities" I'm also good at
quoting myself.
Since for several decades, And recycling
"free speech" has been the my jokes.
cry of people defending the
right to say things that are And forgetting
typically both evil and what I said and
wrong-- e.g. racism / white repeating myself
supremacy-- a generation of
kids has grown up without any FREE_SPEECH_DETOX
respect for the idea at all. Of course, the "free POISONED_WELLS
speech" principle has
never been taken as
You would have to absolute.
be blind to not
see that there are Inciting violence and
some bad problems (Not that we panic has always been
with the current ever have a restricted. Then
state of our shortage of there's slander/libel
public discourse. the blind.) and once upon a time You know,
we prosecuted people "Clever
The kids seem to feel for "fraud". marketing".
that the fix for this is
for them to complain Private property rights
loudly and encourage the have always trumped
big internet companies speech rights-- the town
to suppress pernicious square and the shopping
speech. mall plaza are different
That has the virtue of
being legal-- we don't do Which is perhaps
*government* censorship Though some fantasize yet another
(in theory). about the return of problem with
"the fairness doctrine" shopping malls.
In has the problem of (and the "equal time
expecting a bunch of rule", which is now
large corporations-- often conflated with it
that are by design in our tribal memory).
amoral at best-- to
behave with wisdom and THE_DOCTRINE_FAIR
encourage the good.
A much simpler corporate
strategy is to make some AOC_FACESOFF_FACEBOOK
symbolic gestures and
soothing public statements
and forget about the issue
until next time, when you
then repeat the cycle.