August 22, 2010
Every programmer knows the story of "make":
Makefiles have a particularly silly syntax that
not only uses indentation, it requires an indent The common programmers
to be a tab character. editors didn't (and
many still don't)
The story is that the creators of make realized provide an easy way of
early on that that was mistake, but they didn't distinguishing between
want to change it, because they "already had ten a tab and some spaces.
or so users". You could easily have
an *invisible* syntax
The point of this story is to remark at how error.
short-sighted these designers were: they
refused to inflict pain on ten people, and In general, using
so inflicted pain on thousands. the amount of
white-space as a
Moral: don't worry about backwards syntatic element
compatibility, get it right! fell into disfavor,
everywhere except
However: it could easily be that if in the world of
they really took this attitude, if they Python, which the
were willing to yank the rug out from smart people all
under their ten or so early adopters, insist is the
their tiny, fledgling user base would ultimate language.
have given up on them. They've never been
wrong before, eh?
Changing an interface should never be
taken lightly. And unless you're a
brilliant genius who always gets
everything right (it's amazing how many
programmers think they qualify), then
you need to design an interface to
evolve, to allow you to add new features THE_PERL_AFFAIR
without (greatly) impacting existing
What's a little peculiar about the make
story is that they probably could've
switched from tab-only to "tab and/or
spaces" and gotten away with it: the
existing Makefiles would all have tabs,
so all would be okay, right?
I bet the difficulty was that they didn't
see how to solve the ambiguity of mapping
some number of spaces to logical
indentations. Me, I probably would've
added a new special-purpose environment
variable "MAKE_TAB_WIDTH". If you've got
that set to whatever number you like,
then space indentations are allowed, if
it isn't set, it's the old tab-only. You
could even take it easy on yourself and
forbid mixtures of tabs and spaces.