November 7, 2011
This isn't a new thought... but isn't
it striking how much the American Right
has come to resemble the old Soviet Hell, we've even
dictatorship? invaded Afghanistan.
The official propaganda
dominating the news...
The rigged elections... LAST_EXIT_FOR_DEMOCRACY
The supression of dissent in BURNED_IN_2004
the name of unity--
"The fixed image of idealism
Did there exist a single and violence did idealistic
Republican without some violence to the facts. For
reservations about the Bush years the Marxist intellectual
Jr. regime? Could you find believed he served his party
one willing to voice them at by violating experience, by
the time? overlooking embarassing
details, by grossly
simplifying the data, and
above all by conceptualizing
the event _before_ having
The suppression of free studied it." Sartre, "The
scientific inquiry (evolution, Search for Method", p.23
climate change) ala Lysenkoism
under Stalin. POLAR_SARTRE
The complete abandonment of any standard
of morality in it's conduct in military
affairs or in "intelligence".
Chomsky would have it that
Kidnapping people and 'twas ever thus, and he has
locking them up in secret a point, but I really do
torture centers... think things got worse under
the Bush Jr. regime.
You couldn't make up a
better piece of anti-US Certainly it got
propaganda if you tried, more blatant.
and there's *no need* to
make it up, it was, and
apparently *still is* true.