July 26, 2010
January 12, 2014
One of the first things that struck me
about anime, is that it very often used There are reasons of economy
extremely cartoony foreground figures to do this: the foreground
against very finely detailed realistic characters all move and
backgrounds. require many more cells to
get a sense of fluid motion.
I've often wondered if The background drawings
there's some other reason can have more attention
they do this, if there's lavished on them.
something about the effect
that they like in some way. The resulting effect can
be very strange, though,
like aliens transported
into a world where they
seem very out-of-place.
Notably, sometimes they modulate the
drawing style of the characters, using
a more realistic look for serious This is done a lot
scenes, and a lightly sketched in in "Skip Beat".
cartoony look for more comic ones.
And sometimes different characters are
rendered in a completely different style Cute, fantasmagorical
depending on what kind of character they animal side-kicks are
are. often drawn to look
remarkably like plush
In Cowboy Beebop, Spike is a little less toys, for obvious
realistic than the others, to mimic the reasons. (If I were
art of Corto Maltese. Similarly, the doing one of these,
young girl "Ed" bounces around like a I'd name the character
comic figure and so is a little more "Tie", short for
cartoony. Jet is fairly realistic, as is "Product Tie-in".)
Fey, with the exception of her insanely
large breasts and horribly ugly "sexy"
outfit that she wears like a uniform
for no apparent reason (except some sort
of visual reference to "The Dirty Pair"?).
The dog, Ein, however, wins the
prize for realism: it's a living,
breathing, corgi, through and