May 3, 2019
It's a relatively common thing with me
to get around to reading one of the
Great Classic Novels and discover that ANTIAMERICAN
they're kind of a mess, they often
register as lumpy, ungainly and poorly QUIXAND
thought out-- I go off complaining
about how they're grossly overrated.
I resort to the theory that most people
can't even *see* what's there-- if they MOBY_DICK
take the trouble to read them at all, they
do so with a knowledge that they're My comments on Moby-Dick at
supposed to be Great-- there's no chance the reddit books group are
at making anything like a fresh appraisal invariably met with downvotes.
of their own, because of their awareness Not disagreement or
that in-group approval requires that they discussion, just downvotes.
oooh and ah over the greatness.
Of late, I've been wondering if I
might be missing something here:
It could be that I'm making a mistake
in trying to judge the classics by
classical standards-- I'm looking for
tightly crafted masterpieces that fit
together into a unified whole, but it
could be that what people really *like*
about them has to do with the fact
that they're ungainly messes.
Disparate elements that are only loosely
linked together might provide a sense of
depth, a range of hooks to engage your mind--
they make the work more open-ended--
In comparison, a flawless expression of
a single theme might be impressive in
some respects, but ultimately a boring