July 30 - October 9, 2018
The most interesting thing to me
about Aristotle's Poetics is his Many seem to be obsessed with his
insistence on the law of probability remarks on "imitation" (aka "mimesis")
and necessity-- all events must flow and to what extent art really does
from the first, without arbitrary imitate life.
breaks or injected coincidences.
Looking over the things So a plot is a path through a
I've written about graph, beginning at start points--
writing, specifically extreme events which do not depend
about writing fiction, on what's gone before-- and
I'm clearly a devout flowing through the chains of
Aristotelian: necessity, and branching at the
points that are merely probable.
There have to be branch points,
DIEHARD because it's not true that there's
only one workable plot for every
In Section XVIII, Aristotle quotes Agathon
(and refers to it again in Section XXV)
with a sentiment I've heard elsewhere, but
without attribution to this early source:
"Such an event is probable in Agathon's
sense of the word: 'it is probable,' he
says, 'that many things should happen
contrary to probability.'"
And that complicates the law, as far
as probability is concerned, eh? Are MANIFESTO
*some* "coincidences" then required
rather than exluded? Following a
"law" strictly always turns out to be
Is there a parallel caveat concerning
There's a necessity for unnecessary
elements or --
One might even get to
o the situation may seem unbelievable. a defense of the episodic
this way.
o the handling may seem cliched,
obvious and dull. ARISTOTLE_EPISODES
One of my old "discoveries" about
writing is that there's often a
need for the apparently
unecessary-- it's difficult to see UNGAINLY_MESSES
what function something serves
until you try to do without it.