July     30, 2007
                                             December 10, 2007

        I'm still trying to
        work out how to
        live in the absence
        of principle.

        Or at least, in
        the absence of any
        really fundamental       I think we're
        principles.              stuck with this     And not many people
                                 problem, myself.    really seem to
                                                     believe otherwise,
                                                     though there are some
                                                     who seem to think
                                                     it's important to
           Once upon a time, I was                   claim that they
           one of the hold-outs,                     believe otherwise...
           hoping to find a Grand
           System of ethical/moral                   The people who trumpet
           reasoning.                                adherence to principle
                                                     invariably allow some
           The best I can do these days:             exceptions, and the
                                                     exceptions are where
              Typically (though not                  the real principles lie.
              always) "principles" are
              about long-term concerns.

              Making a "compromise" is
              about sacrificing the
              long-term for the short.

              But this makes defining a
              consistent set of
              principles no easier than
              developing a workable set
              of long-term goals.

As part of some local political battles
at Stanford, I was helping to circulate
a petition to increase penalties for
student organizations in violation of
finacial rules...

There was a black friend of mine who was
originally willing to sign the petition,
but regretted it later when she found out
that the "Black Student Union" would be
one of the organizations effected.

My argument was that the principle
was important, even if it had some
undesireable immediate effects.                   At the time,
                                                  that struck me
Her argument: principle tends to be               as an incredibly
applied selectively, used as a weapon             bleak worldview.
against minorities...
                                                  Without a belief
                                                  in general
                                                  principles, then
                                                  what's left?

                                                  Nothing but
                                                  power stuggles...
                                                  and how could
                                                  a minority hope
Relying on local control                          to win these?
seems like a good guiding
principle for various                             The entire
reasons -- but few liberals                       notion of
would like the idea of                            minority rights
letting Southern States                           rests on
handle their own civil                            convincing a
rights legislation.                               majority that
                                                  there's reason
Republicans trumpet "States                       to support those
Rights", but only when it's                       rights.
convienient.  When they've got
federal muscle they're not shy
about using it, but when the                          We risk degenerating
Democrats have it, then the                           into dogfighting
Republicans worry about                               factions, with no
overstepping those bounds.                            possibility of any
                                                      alliance that isn't
   Which are hard to see these days                   provisional.
   because of all the Republican
   footprints on top of them.


                                   A Paul Krugman piece
                                   from October, 2006,
                                   on the fragility
                                   of the right:

                                   "The coalition has, however, always
                                   been more vulnerable than it seemed,
                                   because it was an alliance based not
                                   on shared goals, but on each group's
                                   belief that it could use the other
                                   to get what it wants. Bring that
                                   belief into question, and the whole
                                   thing falls apart."

   You can make a case that                       It would seem that there's
   political expediency often                     a need for over-arching
   argues against acting morally.                 shared goals of some sort.

   The long term necessity of                     If these are not to be
   needing to win over the                        called principles, what
   immoral bad guys, makes it                     would you call them?
   impossible to take into
   account any other long                         What else *like* principles
   term interests.                                might actually exist?

      A moral compulsion
      to be amoral?

   Similar to the notion that
   corporations are compelled
   to act solely in their
   short term interests by
   competitive pressures; so           The public corporation
   you can't expect them to            is a legal entity not
   behave morally, unless              a moral one: morality
   compelled to do so legally.         belongs to the realm
                                       of the political.
      Publicly traded companies
      can be hauled into court         But elected officials
      on the grounds that they         are political entities,
      were not acting in the           not moral ones.
      stock holders interests.
                                       So then, morality
                                       belongs to the realm
                                       of... ?

The un-principled are
happy to use your
principles against you              But they have no
whenever possible.                  difficulty with
                                    making excuses
   So maybe, you need to            for their own
   fight the hypocritical           deviations from     And the Republican
   bastards with their              the rules.          ability to blame
   own weapons, even if                                 the Democrats for
   it means behaving like                               the repercussions
   a hypocrite?                                         of every Republican
                                                        action... that's
         A theme beloved                                just amazing.
         in modern fiction:

         "When you fight the devil,
          be a devil yourself."
            -- Ninja Scroll (1993)

   Except that cheating is not
   *always* to your advantage.        Or "compromising"
                                      if you prefer less
       The motivation of the          loaded terms.
       cheater is supposedly
       to gain an immediate
       benefit, but that's     There's a lot of cheating for the
       often not born out.     sake of cheating; cheating out of
                               habit; cheating on the general
       The usual               principle that being un-principled
       claim is that           must be advantageous.
       the dark side
       has at least
       an immediate
       advantage, if
       not a long
       term one.
                                        Is it useful
       But it may not                   to separate
       have even that                   morality from
       much going for it:               political
          Many a principle
          is genuinely a                  That's just
          formulation of                  short and long
          practical advice.               again, isn't it?

   Whatever it was the Republicans
   were after with the Iraq war, it
   seems likely they regret getting       (And the Democrats
   involved with it now.                  that went "sure boss,
                                          whatever you say!",
      Maybe they should've                are looking a bit
      listened to the UN,                 uncomfortable as well.)
      instead of just paying
      lipservice to the                       (And I didn't know the half
      importance of listening                 of it...  as of Dec of
      to the UN...                            2007, it appears that
                                              Pelosi and friends were
                                              briefed about the Bush
                                              leagues proclivity for
                                              torture back in 2002.)
