December 10, 2007
   "How to live in the
   absence of principle?"               UN_PRINCIPLE

   How might we determine some over-arching
   shared goals to work with?

Starting over still again...

What ways are there that
it is possible to work             By what
through this?                      method?     METHODICAL_BLUNDERS


Look at real world examples,
ask yourself "do I want to            I may not be a
be like *that*?"                      "progressive",
                                      I may no longer
List standard principles              be a "libertarian",
sketch out regions of                 but I am resolved
conflict between them.                that I am not a

                                          of a sort.

Ask yourself what it seems
likely you'll be able to
sell to someone else?

What good would an insight
be, if it were impossible
for it to be a shared insight?


There's not much point in
saying anything unless
I say something new --
I am not influential enough
for it to be worthwhile
for me to merely bless something
that already exists --
so place the emphasis on
novelty.  What can I come up
with that no one else is likely
to come up with?
