July 11, 2004
To take the "ur conspiracy"
as an example -- the
conspiracy that put the Well... at least it put them
conpiracy theorists on the in their current place on the
map: intellectual landscape.
The assassination of JFK. Maybe that's
"off of the map".
A lot of energy has been put into
raking over the Warren Commission But polls show less than a
report, studying the frames of third of the people buy the
the Zapruder film, looking over lone assassin theory.
the background of Oswald...
I'm not up on the details
of these disputes and I The theorists have a number of
have no conclusion that I interesting points, but they
want to present on whether don't always impress with
Kennedy was killed by a lone their intellectual rigor.
assassin, on who might have
been behind a conspiracy to E.g. what possible reason
kill Kennedy, and so on. could Oswald have for
waiting until the last The opposing view
minute to get off a shot? is that there were
multiple gunmen,
Well: maybe he was and that a single
But the notion that the CIA-- indecisive and shot from the
or some faction inside the CIA-- wasted time stalling, book repo doesn't
might have had a president then decided to go cover the amount
killed remains interesting, not for it at the last of damage that
because it's proven, or even moment. Why not? was done...
provable, but simply because it If Oswald (or
can be made to sound plausible. someone) fired
from there, the
The fact that such things To make it sound reason they waited
seem *possible* is already plausible to most was for the car to
a strong inditement against people, my get in range
the CIA and friends: experience is of the other guns.
that all you need
Perhaps a free to do is lay out Plausible, but
country shouldn't a motive: Oswald's pause
have a secret doesn't prove it.
police, eh? Kennedy was angry with
the CIA because he felt
manipulated into the "Bay
of Pigs" fiasco. A memo
exists where Kennedy said
he wanted to "scatter the
CIA to the winds".
just based From a report in
on motive alone "The New York Times",
would seem to April 25, 1966:
reflect a funny "C.I.A.: Maker of
attitude... Policy or Tool?"
Is it okay with you for the [ref]
CIA to be capable of doing
anything given a motive?
You'll just cross your fingers
and hope they'll never want to
do anything bad?