June 8, 2021

I talked about this here, recently:


    If you watch a typical television talk show, it's
    likely you'll find someone describing the hit of the
    season Cardi B's "WAP" ("Wet Ass Pussy") in glowing
    terms.  Something something "bold expression of
    sexuality", something something "female empowerment".

    You need to square that somehow with a world where
    you're supposed to submit your knock-knock joke to HR
    for approval to make sure it's not too risque for
    public consumption.

There are these rigid behavior codes regulating
sexual remarks in the workplace or at
conferences that imply women are delicate little
flowers who will keel over in a faint at a
stupid tit joke, but on the other hand "Wet Ass Pussy!".

    You can try the argument that you're
    economically constrained to be at work,
    but television talks shows are an optional
    thing you can stay away from--

    But really Cardi B is pretty ubiquitous,
    when you come down to it.  If you *wanted*
    to carefully avoid Cardi B you'd be cutting
    yourself off from a large portion of the
    dominant culture.

I submit that what's going has to do with some sort of
categorization of "contexts", there's something lurking
under the idea of "appropriateness" that might be of
interest to think about further-- appropriate for what?

                                             August 16, 2023

                            People working in a movie theater may
                            be required to avoid sexual remarks
                            (for fear of stumbling into "harassment"),
                            while in the movie theater movies
                            like "Joy Ride" are engaging in a
                            non-stop barrage of sex jokes.

                            There's some heavy compartmentalization
                            going on...

                                 And it unconsciously relies
                                 on a certain standard of
                                 what's "normal"...

                                    You're allowed (required?)  to feel
                                    uncomfortable about some things in
                                    the work place, but precisely what
                                    that is changes over time.  Once
                                    homosexuality was expected to say
                                    decently closeted, now homosexuality
                                    is okay, but sexuality in general is
                                    bad.  Or is the limit too much sexuality,
                                    or the kind of sexuality...?
