June 27, 2007
The comments following
this piece are a good
argument against the
blog format.
Instead of the reader
leaving with the
words of the author
echoing through their
head, the reader
leaves after skimming
through this weird,
verbose scatter of
different voices of
unknown province.
(1) Even if you're
going to provide
It's no longer a "comments"
obvious to me feature, maybe the
that authors reader should have
*should* provide to click to see
a comment log. them.
Don't you have
some place of (2) The author
URLs that have your own to of the piece should
a serial id write your have the capability
number are a reactions? of "approving"
very poor Don't people comments. Good
design. Better know how to ones should be
to use an search for easier to find.
"html file name" sites linking
that looks like to this one?
the title of
the piece, (It would
even if it's be very easy
a database to give
query in the people links
back-end. to search
engines to
find pages
that link to
the present