August 13, 2010
"Jesus Christ, Superstar"
I tried playing this for someone--
a Catholic Girl, come to think of it--
in the late-70s, and she had trouble I mean, you hear the
taking it as anything but a Monty background singers
Python routine. come in:
Actually it plays the Christ "What's the buzz?
mythos pretty straight-- down Tell me what's a
to the perhaps inevitable happening..."
sympathetic portrait of
Judas-- with the one added And then you realize
cynical comparison of those are supposed to
religion and show biz. be the apostles.
As far as the story is concerned,
Christ himself is sincere, and may
very well be divine, but the selling
of Christ as a popular figure, the (Once the hipsters
sensational success of Christianity, get a hold of it,
that's an entirely different it's all ruined, eh?)