February 3, 2001
About the 1953 movie, "The Wild Ones"
Stanley Kramer's great morality
play (you know, with Marlon Brando).
Tremendously heavy-handed...
This is the type of
thing that convinces
some people that art Note that despite
must be above morality the heavy-handed
and must avoid the blathering about the
didactic. irresponsibility of the
main Brando character,
The police are all despite the
incredibly nicey-nice, disasters that befall
compared to these the Wild Ones, this
jackbooted, movie was one of the
"zero-tolerance" great blows against
times. Western culture.
And the "bad guys" --
the bullies in suits Brando's leather-clad,
who organize a lynch sullen swagger is what
mob -- in retrospect, sticks in the mind,
these guys show a his supreme coolness
tremendous amount of is what carries the
public spirt. Can you movie, not the
imagine some suit finger-waggling cop
doing anything like lectures at the end.
this today?
Go ahead, try
Now it's all: "Call the to do Message.
cops! This is their job!"
See where it gets you.
No one is going to recite
the old cliche: "I don't
want to get involved",
because that's taken as
a given. Of course you
don't. Why would you?
Oh for the days when it was
occasionally necessary to
remind people:
"don't take the law
into your own hands" (You know all too well
where it's been.)