February 17, 2013
August 03, 2013
Another trip back to the
cathedrals and bazaars.
JWZ defends why he uses Safari
rather than Firefox (the product of
a software project he helped start)... http://www.jwz.org/blog/2012/04/why-i-use-safari-instead-of-firefox/
"I think history has proven that I could spend a long time
UI is different than software." trying to resolve the
apparent contradictions
The central idea here is that in that piece, not to
the management techniques mention psychoanalyzing
(or lack-thereof) of open the oddly defensive tone
source software do not work underlying it all, but
for developing (and maintaining) I'm trying to resist.
the user-interface.
There are various ways you
can make a case for that:
o many programmer-designed applications
have really strange, clunky interfaces,
and the programmers involved famously
remain blind to this, and resist all
o most of the more popular open source
applications are slavish imitations Consider the case of
of already existing commercial releases. gimp: it originally
had a very unusual
(and in my opinion,
Presumably then, the idea very interesting)
is: consistency requires UI revolving entirely
central authority. around right-click
menus and keyboard
Mussolini made the trains shortcuts that could
run on time, Jobs made all be easily redefined
the menus work the same. on-the-fly.
(And Apple's symbol As the project
was once a rainbow...) progressed, they
dropped that in
favor of the
conventional menu
bar across the top.
If the idea is that there's
One True UI, one ideal way
that all will embrace once
shown the way-- there are NOTHING_IS_PURE
reasons to doubt that...
My own experience has been that I am
clearly not one of "the rest of us".
Apple has always had it's enthusiasts,
but despite various tries on my part,
I have never become one of them.
I'm entirely in sympathy with jwz's
complaint about the difficulty with CUSTOM_FIRE
shutting off new features you don't
want in Firefox...
But isn't it interesting that there
are people like myself who really
and truly do like tabbed browsing,
even though jwz hates it?
That alone would appear to establish
that it's not possible to come up with
the one true UI, the one way of
Getting It Done that fits everyone.
So then, there's a need for some
range of choice...
And after that, it comes down to
questions of granularity: how
many different commpeting
projects are optimum, how many
subdivisions within the projects
are workable, etc.