January 06, 2014
                                             January 10, 2014

A thumbnail review of a
recent Woody Allen movie:

   (a) the acting is superb,
       hence painful to watch    (Drunks trying to discuss
                                 important subjects.)

   (b) the characterization
       is interesting             Dangerbaby was cheering for the
                                  younger son when he walked out:
                                  she didn't get at first that he
                                  was being very weak: his *reasons*
                                  for dropping out were lame (I just
                                  can't face the guys at school!).

   (c) there are problems of place:

       o  the SF depicted feels like
          ~1990 at the latest: an           The locations aren't bad
          unintentional period piece.       though-- the Mission District
                                            apartment looks plausible (for
                                            the mid-80s...), the low class
                                            restaurant by the water reminds
                                            of a place that I think still
                                            survives over by Mission Rock,
                                            and so on.


       o  The characters don't seem
          characteristic of the place.

              My sense is that Woody Allen has
              lived in a bubble for too long:
              he needed some "low class"
              secondary characters, but
              doesn't associate with such          A blue collar guy in
              people, and so contrived people      San Francisco is likely
              you might have met in New York       as not to be a Burning
              50 years ago.                        Man freak with a KPFA
                                                   bumpersticker on his
     This is a long-standing
     problem, really:                              This would not fit Allen's
                                                   plot, however, where
         MANHATTAN_WOODY                           there's supposed to be a
                                                   price to be paid for not
                                                   being white collar.

                                                   It might be taken as
                                                   The Message of the
                                                   film: the high and low
                                                   are both scum, and
                                                   different economic
                                                   strata just condemns
                                                   you to living with a
                                                   different sort of scum.
