July 24, 2013


Douglas Crockford's talk "The Early Years"
is fundamentally about the irrationality
of programmers, and appropriately enough,   This talk is nominally part of a
it stikes me as somewhat nutty.             series about JavaScript, but you
                                            might not notice that from this
  He argues that programmers are
  extremely conservative, refusing              It leads off so boffo it's
  to adopt good, new ideas until                funny: punchcards?  We need do
  decades after they're developed;              hear about punchcards again to
  we all have to wait for a new                 get to javascript?
  generation of programmers to
  get into the game for a new                         He does eventually touch
  idea to take hold.                                  a few less familiar
                                                      bases, though, and
      He tells a history of                           someone younger than I--
      computers that emphasize cases                  like, the typical JS
      that support his point; and he                  programmer-- might very
      repeatedly dances away from                     well feel enlightened by
      the parts that don't quite.                     all this.

An early religious issue:

   Batch vs. Timeshare

   The programmers familiar with
   batch programming apparently
   resisted moving to timesharing.

   Crockford's take is they just hadn't
   tried it, however well-reasoned they
   thought thought their arguments were:

     "... the main one came down to
     *discipline*. Batch mode required                              CSG
     where you had to think the whole
     thing through and submit flawless    That's an attitude that I associate
     programs to the computer because     with the original Computer Science
     if it was buggy his. you'd never     gang... they had a dismissive
     ever get it to work--"               attitude toward "hackers" because
                                          hackers had an experimental approach.
  So, we can score this one for           And they preferred this-- strangely
  Crockford's thesis.  And                idealized and romantic-- approach,
  (looking ahead) we can also             where everything must be
  give him the goto controversy.          designed-in-advance, you must,
  Further, I can see why he               visualize the whole thing, get your
  thinks the slow but thorough            flow charts straight, mathematically
  triumph of OOP is a point for           prove that your algorithms work, and
  him (though myself I suspect            only then start coding.
  it's more complex than that).

                                             The interative approach has
                                             thoroughly won, at this point,
                                             which is something to remember--
                                             it sometimes seems that no one
                                             ever wins these religious wars.

Crockford tells an interesting
story about how Intel had to give
up on their ambitious
ada-on-a-chip project (well, maybe
two chips... well, would you take
they retreated to doing the more             He skips the detail of
conventional 8086: it was designed           the 8088, which let IBM
to be compatible, and to be cheap,           roll out it's PC using
and it conquered the world, all              largely 8 bit hardware,
but leaving architectures like the           with 16 bits only in the
68000 in the dust.                           processor.

    He blames the "lousy" intel                   At the time, I thought the
    architecture on those damn                    8088 was a marketing dodge,
    programmers sticking with                     a way of advertising 16 bits
    the familiar.                                 while really providing only
                                                  8 bits-- but another way of
    My take is nearly the opposite:               looking at this is that it
    backwards compatibility is                    gave IBM a natural upgrade
    important, you abandon it at                  path to 16, and things like
    your peril. Legacy matters, and               that are not by any means
    trying to break with it is often              worthless.
    just an insane ego-trip.

      Crockford Comments on the
      modern lack of innovation in
      many fields:

        hardware: Intel; powerpc; arm
        OS: unix 70s; windows 80s           I don't see any problem
                                            there: when a problem is
      He adds: "Where we do                 solved, you should stop.
      innovation is in
      programming languages"

                           And personally, I wish
                           they'd knock it off.  We
                           have enough languages, and         WEDDING_PARTY
                           I'd be happy to see several
                           decades of work just on
                           libraries and applications.

                                       Unfortunately we seem to be wasting
                                       a solid decade Going Mobile.

                                           But no doubt my perception
                                           that this is a nearly complete
                                           waste is just another example
                                           of a programmer's delusions, a
                                           hidebound conservative attitude.
                                           It's popular, it *must* be good.

                                                     We geezers have so much
                                                     trouble keeping up.

                                                     The shuffling zombies
                                                     getting in the way on
                                                     the train platform, the
                                                     people driving while
                                                     texting... I'm always
                                                     complaining about

                                                     Can't wait to get your
                                                     hands on the new slyFad9,
                                                     eh?  I hear it has
                                                     enhanced NSA-tracking

Another of Crockford's tale of
the slow triumph of the good
over clinging to legacy is
Assembly vs high level:

     This is an awfully ambiguous one,
     even just taking it as Crockford
     lays it out:  many of the popular      Crockford dicusses
     machines of the day were extremely     the example of atari
     limited in capabilities, and           game/computer systems
     when efficiency is key, assembly       at length, emphasizing
     wins (or can win).                     their limited resources.

          It's often the case that
          the hardware must catch up
          to the software.
                                         It takes a generation to get
                                         the bugs out, to figure out how
                                         to use the shiney new toys, and
                                         for hardware resources to
                                         advance far enough to make some
                                         inefficiencies moot.

Another case Crockford touches
on is the OOP debate.

He takes it as symptomatic that
there was so much resistance
and regards it as merely a
matter of ignorence.
      Trying to deal with this issue-- or the
      wider issues-- in any reasonable way
      would be a mess...  just defining what
      it is you're talking is hard, everything
      is a moving target.  OOP may have won,
      but are the OOP practices that won the
      same as the ones that were originally       The OOP intelligensia look
      tried?  (e.g. aggregation over              askance at our attempts at
      inheritence may be a common approach        OOP-- so was it a fair trial,
      now, but it wasn't the way OOP was          or were we just doing it
      originally sold).  And haven't              wrong?
      conditions changed over the intervening
      decades (hardware costs; plus social           (The intelligensia always
      factors... the expectations of other           seem to have complaints
      programmers and managers/customers)?           like this-- the RDBMs we
                                                     have are not truly
                                                     *relational*, etc.)
          For me, Objects (of a sort) have
          won, and I was certainly a
          reluctant convert.  The thing is,
          for me, objects are just one way        Another problem: using
          of sharing state between routines,      present day popularity as
          and if OOP wasn't a commonly            an indication of quality
          understood way, I would do it           is weak.  It presumes
          some other way.                         that the current
                                                  generation of programmers
               Whether an approach is             know what they're doing,
               the right or wrong way             and Crockford insists
               has a lot to do with how           that the previous
               many people *think* it's           generation was clearly
               the right way.                     out-to-lunch, so why
                                                  should we assume the
                 Software development             present one is any better?
                 is a collaborative
                 social process, so
                 existing attitudes
                 are not just some
                 barrier to overcome,
                 they're the raw
                 material you have to
                 work with.


  In his history of languages,
  he mentions Pascal briefly,
  pointing out it became very            He doesn't mention the flaws that
  popular and was then abandoned,        seemed obvious to me, e.g. it's
  because of certain flaws.              strings sucked.  C's strings of
                                         indefinite length seemed like a
    Pascal is for me the critical        great feature (though really,
    example, it was the key thing        quite dangerous: just a pointer
    that taught me that hype is          into memory).
    often hollow.  There are always
    some very bright people out               GENTLE_ART_OF_PROGRAMMING
    there who seem very knowlegable,
    and very sure of themselves and
    they're not shy about promoting
    their ideas as the biggest thing
    since the zero.                          SILVER_BULLET

        The beginnings of wisdom:
        understanding how stupid
        smart people can be.          Has there ever been
                                      a really successful
                                      programming language     Now, if Haskell
                                      named after a            were named
                                      mathematician?           after *Eddie*
                                                               Haskell, they
He complains about the amnesia of the                          might have
Java-community-- they lost as the                              something.
in-browser language, and reinvented
themselves as a server-side language--

Crockford finds it tremendously
significant that JS kicked this
one well-annointed ass, but                 Actually, as I understand it,
myself I think it just signifies            the original idea was that it
how much Java sucked, not how               was supposed to be an
cool JS is.                                 embedded device-programming
                                            language. Not being a mobile
    I would complain about the              kind-of-guy, I don't know how
    amnesia of the Javascript               well that worked, but I would
    community: I suggest that it            guess it's a player.
    lost the first round also,
    and pushed a lot of                         The main idea was it was
    web-programming back to the                 supposed to be more reliable
    server-side.  It took the                   than C-code, and there it
    invention of libraries like                 succeeded, because nothing
    Jquery to smooth over the                   could be worse.
    problems...  Javascript may
    indeed have Good Parts (TM),
    but those alone are not the
    reason it's winning for web
                                     In the early days of the web,
                                     netscape.com ruled the web
                                     traffic, followed by yahoo in
                                     second place.  The netscape
                                     people had the idea of beefing up
                                     their functionality as a Portal,
                                     but the Javascript they slathered
                                     over it was so horrible it was
                                     unusable. Yahoo took first place.

                                         The perils of doing things
                                         on "Netscape time".

                                         (Maybe Jakob Nielsen has
                                         a point about useability
                                         testing, no?)

        If you listened to Crockford,
        you'd think every new idea is a
        good idea, and you should never
        go with the bird in the hand.

        But there are many great new
        ultra-hyped fads that have flopped,
        and Java-in-browser is a good example.

            Programming is a discipline
            afflicted with intellectual fads,
            and far from being horribly
            reluctant to adopt innovations,
            we often seem to be suckers for
            every new shiney toy.

            And there are many cases where
            everyone has been excited to             Have you noticed any
            jump on something hyped as the           skepticism about
            next big thing, and then only            "cloud computing"?
            later do they figure out how to
            make it work-- because otherwise
            they'd have to admit they called
            it wrong.
                              Often what happens is the            
                              fad is *made* to work,     
                              *after* it becomes popular.            
                                                  To listen to Zak, Rails
                                                  was in horrible shape when
                                                  "Ruby on Rails" became the
                                                  next big thing.
                                (And actually, from this point of view the      
                                Pascal debacle is an amazing triumph of         
                                rationality, because the language was           
                                abandoned-- this is a case where we were        
                                collectively capable of realizing we had        
                                made a mistake.)                                

   There are a number of things Crockford touches
   on that struck me as just curious anecdotes at
   first: we have backspace and delete keys because
   they were needed to deal with papertape; we use
   CRLF pairs to terminate lines because they
   descend from teletypes; vi users continue to use
   hjkl to navigate because those were cursor keys
   on a popular terminal...

        I gather these things aren't just
        supposed to be curiosities--
        they're supposed to *offend* us,
        we're supposed to *loath* the fact      Calling emacs and vi
        that web standards require using        'dinosaurs' tips his
        a CRLF pair where a single character    hand.  He hates
        would do.                               legacy of any sort.

  My points:

  o  there's no simple answer
     like new=good or old=better;

  o  There's no existing faction whose judgement
     you can trust to evaluate new technology       That is to say, the
                                                    supposed experts in the
  o  We have no mechanism for reliably              field have at best a
     evaluating ideas in this field.                mixed track record in
                                                    offering advice.


       Because of these difficulties, being                EXPERTISE
       cautious about experimenting with new
       things is entirely rational.

