August 31, 2012
December 6, 2013
September 26, 2023
More about Joseph Carroll's
review of Steven Pinker:
"Steven Pinker’s Cheesecake
For The Mind" (1998)
Joseph Carrol brings up some
material from a book called http://cogweb.ucla.edu/Abstracts/Carroll_C98.html
"The Prehistory of the Mind",
by Steven Mithen": BLEAK_DINER
"Pinker’s hypothesis about the pleasure
of art reflects a prejudice common to
evolutionary psychology-- the idea that
only those functions that evolved in
the distant evolutionary past have any
particular adaptive status."
"Evolutionary psychologists tend to
regard the EEA ["environment of
evolutionary adaptedness"] as a
relatively static condition in which
the human mind was fixed and finished
sometime before the past 100,000 years
or so."
In contrast Steven Mitchen: " ... describes
the cultural revolution that took place about
40,000 years ago and that introduced complex
multi-part tools and the elements of higher
culture, including art, religion, and more
complex forms of social organization. How to
account for this explosion of creative
activity? Mithen postulates an organically
based cognitive development in which the
previously separate domains of the mind became
accessible to one another. He argues that the
domains devoted to technical understanding,
social interaction, and natural history SYNCRETIC
blended together, and that out of this blend
there emerged an entirely new range of I speculate: there may be
creative cognitive activity. Mithen describes other fusions of domains
this new capability as 'cognitive fluidity,' that can achieve further
and he argues cogently that it is the basis advances. And I remind
for all our more imaginative, inventive that we have cognitive
cultural achievements." domains that extend beyond
the individual.
So there's an argument out there that the
evolution of human intelligence may have BELL_TOLLING
been later than is often supposed...
(But hell, what's
60 millennia I further speculate:
here and there?)
There may be parallels here
to the realm of software
design, where the strategy
of sub-division into components
is often fetishized into an
obsession with bullet-proof
There are cycles of over-design
and balkanization followed by
periods of unification...
I'll look up the relevant
xkcd one-of-these-days.