August 31, 2012
December 6, 2013
Joseph Carroll reviews Steven Pinker:
"Steven Pinker’s Cheesecake For The Mind" (1998)
Carroll makes the point that
Pinker unfairly reviles music
by comparing it to narcotics
and the dreaded cheescake--
Music has no comparable
deleterious effects. (Presuming one stays away from
the Starlight Vocal Band).
Strangely, Carroll concurs with
Pinker's assessment of Cheescake
as in the same class as heroin, Will *no one* stand
a curse on the health and up for Cheesecake?
well-being of the Republic--- What is this country
coming to?
We might as
well start
Carroll: "Rich deserts offer a calling 6th
purely sensual stimulus. They Avenue
appeal only to the taste "The Avenue
buds. They have no intrinsic of the
emotional or conceptual Americas"
content, and they convey no and be done
information from one mind to with it.
Cheescake does not communicate?
does not convey a message?
What diners has this guy been
hanging out in?
He makes the point that a world Carrol:
without art takes you into the
territory Dicken's depicted in " ... it seems very likely that
"Bleak House"... people raised with no exposure
to music, art, or literature
(There's a circularity would be psychologically and
joke here, I think: emotionally stunted, that they
using literature in would be only marginally capable
defense of literature, of developing in normal
which shows that ways. They would probably have
literature has serious great difficulty learning to
purpose.) deal with their own emotions or
to relate to other people with
any sensitivity and
flexibility. Their capacity for
responding in creative ways to
the demands of a complex and
changing cultural environment
would probably be severely
impaired. "