James Thurber's "The 13 Clocks":
Farther along and
stronger, bonged
the gongs of a
throng of frogs
and smells
The real magic: of old
the Golux un-opened
really is no rooms
mere device
I killed time
here myself one
He can not tell Published in 1950: snowy morning.
what can be from 5 years after
what can't, he Hiroshima; 7 years
seldom knows before On the Road;
what should be Joe McCarthy just Cries out to
from what is. warming-up be read
aloud, and if
Much nostalgic you really
The spies names: reference, an hated it, I'd
Hark, Listen and intentionally guess it's
Whisper. Why forumulaic, because you
isn't Whisper ritualistic weren't
named something Fairy Tale. hearing it.
like "Deep Ear"?
Tears of laughter
produce nothing so from your
enduring as the guggle to
Marc Simont's art tears of sorrow. your zatch
just works: even his And neither are
"indescribeable hat". easy to force.
Zorn of Zorna
A thing of The clocks
rags and Uses of stopped at
tatters repetition: ten minutes
to 5: a
Musical refrain; joke for
Context shifts; office workers?
Recap for those
just tuning-in