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                                             August 7, 2010

   I've worked the high end of the scale, and the low end...

   The high end:

      large scale government, 'public policy',
      the organization of humanity en mass          DEMOCRACY

      the difficulty of anyone
      really knowing anything         IGNORANT

      living with uncertainty                      UNINTENDED

                                   Science as a
                                   social activity

    And moving into the low end:

      central to software engineering is not
      math or machines but the coordination           MODEST_PROPOSAL
      of human beings, with human mental quirks

  In between there's another range of
  subjects that sometimes goes by the name of
  'project management', an art of organizing
  small-to-medium sized groups

       The difficulties of working with
       teams of volunteers,

       The different ways of setting
       up on-line discussion groups.               BURDEN_OF_SKIN

       And there's the whole babblelog of
       (aka "software methodologies",
       though they focus more on things
       like planning the meetings than
       hacking the code).
