October 30, 2005
  In addition to choice
  of "person", there's the       POV
  the old "ominiscient
  narrator" question.

  A relatively common narrative
  choice is "third person                    "First person omniscient"
  omniscient"... the voice telling           is rare, except as an
  the story knows everything about           intentionally blasphemous
  the story, including every little          joke, but it's not unheard
  detail that every character thinks.        of.  For example, there's
                                             the framing narration of
  This voice presents the fact of            the film "American Beauty".
  the matter with a completely
  unscientific scientific air:                         AMERICANBEAUTY

     The real scientist is
     entirely aware of the     "Omniscience" is
     large areas of            an impossibility,
     uncertainty that          even in the
     remain (and are           knowledge of your    A fiction based
     likely to always          own motivations.     on the device
     remain) in our                                 that there
     knowledge of the                               exists a clear
     world.                                         reading of the
                                                    interior of
        This is one of the                          every skull is
        distinguishing                              perhaps worthy
        characteristics of                          of a stronger
        the scientist and                           word than just
        the charlatan: the                          "fiction".
        scientist is
        comfortable with

        The goal is to reduce the areas
        of uncertainty, to define as well
        as can be the boundaries of
        the uncertain, but never to deny       The strange
        that it exists.                        hunger for
                                               absolute truth
                                               drives us into
                                               the arms of
                                               obvious lies...
