February 7, 2005

The right likes a vision of
active, effective individuals.
The self-made man.  Pull yourself     You'd think that
up by your own bootstraps.  The       existentialists would be
Great Man theory of history.          turned on by this self-
                                      redefinition concept...

                                                     The Californiaesque
                                                     "self-esteem movement"
                                                     stuff does indeed fly 
                                                     well in formation 
                                                     with this.

The left likes to believe
that the effective agent
of social change is large   Though on the other
groups of human beings.     hand, they're also
                            prone to "100th      You've got to get out
   The individual alone     Monkey" fantasies.   there and attend that
   is helpless in the                            demonstration, you could
   face of implacable                            be the one critical
   historical forces.                            person to tip the balance.

Why exactly, would this
issue change your opinion
of the effectiveness of a
government bureaucracy vs
the effectiveness of a
large corporation?
    Both types of
    organizations are
    composed of the same
            Corporations are thought of as mini-fascisms,
            all reflecting the will of the CEO...
              But really: no corporation escapes the
              weight of it's own internal bureacracy.