May  01, 2006
                                       Additions: June 14, 2006

         About Colin McPhee's "A House in Bali"

                                         Published     1944-47
Before running off for an                About events: 1931-35
extended stay in Bali, I                          and  1937-38
was looking around for
books that I might read on
the subject... this was my
first trip there -- indeed       CITIZEN_DOOM
my first trip outside the
US -- though Dangerbaby
has been there many times.

Rather than be entirely
led around by her, I
wanted to develop my own
way of understanding the       I was hoping for
place, so I went off looking   something like 1930s
for some books that were       spy novels set in      One of my favorite
neither guide books, nor       Indonesia.             tricks: use low
heavy scholarly tomes...                              culture as a set
                                                      of hooks to attach
   What I found was                                   deeper knowledge.
   a handful of
   popular novels                                     I might begin studying
   and/or travelog                                    British history by
   set in or around    For the most                   checking on details in
   Bali.               part voices from               Katherine Hepburn movies.
                       an earlier era,
                       though there was
                       also some Pico Iyer              OUT_OF_THE_DUMPSTER
                       in the stack.

   I flipped through them quickly
   to decide which one I would
   carry with me.

   "A House in Bali" begins with
   Colin McPhee as a young
   composer who is exposed to some
   early phonograph recordings of
   Balinese gamelan, and is
   determined to travel there and    And so, right there
   learn more of this music.         I was hooked, connected
                                     to the material on
                                     my musical exploration
                                     axis, rather than via 
                                     pulp fiction.               MUSEODD

                                                                  (For lack of
         "The records had been made in Bali, and                  anything
         the clear, metallic sounds of the music                  better to
         were like the stirring of a thousand                     link to.)
         bells, delicate, confused, with a           
         sensuous charm, a mystery that was quite    
         overpowering."  -- p 10                     

"A House in Bali" is a very
good book in many, many
respects; Colin McPhee writes
tremendously well:

  "They used no notes (indeed there
  were none, it seemed); each phrase of
  the melody, each intimate detail of      BALINESE_MUSIC
  accompaniment they had learned by
  ear, listening carefully and with
  infinite patience to the teacher who
  had, perhaps, been called from some      Upon trying to return
  other village.  Late into the night      to Paris in 1932:
  they played.  From the house I could
  hear them going over phrase after        "I went to concerts only to listen
  phrase, correcting, improving, until     with restlessness, for the
  the music began to flow of its own       programmes of new music that I
  accord.  I fell asleep with the          once delighted in now seemed
  sounds ringing in my ears, and as I      suddenly dull and intellectual. I
  slept I still heard them, saw them       cared even less for the eloquence
  rather, for now they seemed              of the romantic symphonies.  As I
  transformed into a shining rain of       sat in the concert halls I thought
  silver." -- p. 26                        of the sunny music I had listened
                                           to in the open air, among people
                                           who talked and laughed, hearing
                                           yet not hearing the musicians, but
                                           cheered and exhilarated by the
                                           sounds."  -- p. 77

But there are strange absences
throughout this book that are
ultimately very distracting.
Evidently McPhee made a decision to avoid     
presenting Western viewpoints: it's about     
his interactions with the locals, and the     
things that he learned from them.             
If he learned anything *about* the locals    
from other Westerners, those are details     
that are skipped in this account.            
Throughout I had an uncomfortable feeling      
that I was looking at a move in a turf war.    
Perhaps McPhee wanted to be seen as someone    
doing *original* research, not just a          
tourist doing personal explorations?           
If he published professionally, he            
would be required to cite sources,
but in this popular format he can           The trouble is that while I was
dodge that, and give the audience           reading this book, I also started
the vauge feeling that he was a             studying some other works
true pioneer in the Western study           about people such as "Walter
of Balinese music.                          Spies"...

   So, I was wondering,                     Walter Spies did things *like*
   what was Colin McPhee's                  what McPhee was doing -- working
   connection with Walter                   out a notation for gamelan music,
   Spies?                                   doing transcriptions of gamelan
                                            for piano -- a solid ten years
                                            before McPhee got to it.
McPhee definitely knew Spies...
He talks about staying with him             However, Spies never published
after McPhee returned to Bali in            very much of his work in this
1932.  And throughout he casually           direction-- one version of the
refers to him as "Walter".  Late            story: he didn't think it was
in the book he mentions, just               good enough yet, and the
in-passing, that he and Spies had           material was later lost in the
performed together at one point,            Japanese invasion.  And much
doing gamelan transcribed for               of Spies life was spent
piano.  These events weren't                concentrating on his painting.
worth covering in the story?
Spies absolutely *must* have       
talked to McPhee about the work             But Spies *was* recognized as
that he did in the mid-20s, and             a Western authority on gamelan
McPhee simply chose not to say              music.  It's likely that the
anything about it.                          Balinese music records that
                                            inspired McPhee to travel to
  There are only two                        Bali were some of the ones that
  possiblities as I see it:                 were produced with Spies'
  (1) McPhee did know about Spies 
  musical work, and sought him out               (I gather that the
  intentionally to find out what                 friends Colin McPhee
  he could before proceeding.                    borrowed these records
                                                 from were Miguel and
  (2) McPhee did not know of Spies               Rose Covarrubias, some
  work when he went to Bali and when             friends of Spies.)
  he met Spies and talked about it he     
  was either disappointed that someone    
  got there ahead of him, or was          
  excited to find someone who could       
  give him some hints.                    
  Either way, you would think that    
  McPhee would talk about this.       
      The second case would be       
      particularly interesting.         But I think the
                                        first case is far
      Any one who pursues a             more likely.
      creative impulse in any
      direction must know that             *Some* westerner
      feeling of dissapointment            or other had decided
      when you learn that your             to record that gamelan
      work is not as original              music.
      as you thought it was.
                                               And the records
                                               were played for him
      DONE_BEFORE                              by *friends* of
                                               Spies, who must've
                                               talked about him...

Another absence:
what kind of person
is McPhee, really?

There is no mention whatsoever
of love interests in the years
he spent in Bali.  This made me       One of the driving
wonder if he was another one of       forces of these         The straights
the gay guys (like Walter Spies,      expatriate scenes       are fascinated
for example).                         always seems to be      by the exotic
                                      sexual.                 young girls,
   I mean, there's a sub-plot                                 the queers by
   about him taking on a                                      the young boys;
   young boy from a farming      Oct 20, 2009:                all in a setting
   village as a protege, and                                  with much less
   having him trained in a       Evan Ziporyn, in the         of the moral
   style of dancing where the    notes for his operatic       (puritanical?)
   boy dresses as a young        version of this book,        restrictions
   girl...  Doesn't that         essentially confirms         of home.
   sound like a hint?            my first impression
                                 that McPhee was one of           (Consider,
                                 the queer cabal.                 Burroughs
                                                                  in Mexico &
And I learned later that           He suggests that one           Tangiers.)
McPhee was married to the          of the reasons McPhee
anthropologist Jane Belo.          left Bali may have been
                                   the Dutch crack down
   She was with him in             on homosexuals.           (Ziporyn got
   Bali, the whole                                           started on
   time... and wasn't                                        following
   mentioned once in the                                     McPhee's
   entire book?                                              trail long
                                                             before I,
                                                             and studied
                 Dangerbaby had been skeptical               music in Bali
                 of my "turf war" theory,                    with people
                 ("It's just not what the book               who knew
                 is about."), but when I                     McPhee.)
                 discovered this missing wife
                 problem her reaction was:
                 "Oh, for god's sake!"

                                But there are many other
                                angles one could take
                                to this book... many
                                subjects of interest.

     "We returned to Sayan, to find on the
     table by my bed-room door a large
     silver bowl of yellow rice, buried in
     flower petals.  It was from Made'
     Gria, the _dalang_.  Beside the
     palm-leaf books which he had been
     working on the day before there lay a
     little fan of blossoms.

     "How do you honour books in America?
     Durus asked as he set a lamp on the
     table.  A large mantis flew out of
     the dark and settled in the circle of

     "I found it hard to explain."

         -- p. 96
