November 14, 2006

I've been an occasional
listener to "Democracy
Now" for years now,         I'm surprised that it started only
but only in recent          as far back as far as 1996...
years have I become
a fan.                          It immediately seemed like
                                a fixture of the scene.

A casualty of the Iraq War:
a complete loss of
whatever faith I had left         If I've become a flaming
in the mainstream media.          leftist you can blame it
                                  on the Bush Administration.
     (And it's not
     like I had much                        SMALL_THUMB_RULE
     left to lose.)

     It takes a certain
     fortitude to listen
     to Amy Goodman's             Talk about a
     grim, rapid-fire             "Voice of Doom"...
     delivery, precisely
     detailing how the               THE_VOICE_OF_DOOM
     world has continued
     to fall apart in the
     last 24 hours...

     Grim duties for grim times.

  Not long ago, I got word that
  Amy Goodman was going to be in
  a bookstore in downtown
  Huntington, and so I sent word
  to my Long Island dwelling           At "Encore Books": an
  brother.                             excellent independant
                                       book store.
  He responded that he knew about
  it already, and didn't really
  feel like going over there
  somehow, because "those                   I don't know what
  Amy Goodman fans are *weird*."            he's talking about.

                                               Myself, I never fantasize
                                               about Amy Goodman in black
                                               leather whipping Condoleeza
  The first time I saw Amy                     Rice bound to a wagon wheel
  Goodman speak was at the                     at a dude ranch in Texas.
  Green Festival in San
  Francisco this month.

  It was interesting
  being in a group of
  thousands of people
  who had raced over
  to see her in person.

  In the introduction, Medea
  Benjamin asked "How many
  people here can't wait to
  get up in the morning to              So maybe
  listen to Amy Goodman?",              my brother
  and a sea of hands went up.           has a point.

      The subject of her talk was the
      poor quality of the corporate
      media and their coverage of
      issues such as the Iraq war.

      The Bush regime has to
      carefully insulate the
      American public from images
      of the dead and maimed --               She tells the story of
      they've gone as far as to               a woman who rebelled
      rule against filming the                against this, and
      flag-draped coffins of dead             invited reporters to
      US servicemen.                          photograph her son's
                                              coffin: "My son did not
      She was making the point                go to Iraq in darkness,
      that Americans really do                he will not return in
      "have a heart", and if they             darkness."
      saw images like this there
      would be an uproar about
      the war...

      The really interesting thing
      here though was her angle on
      the events with Katrina --

      The Bush regime famously sat
      on their butts throughout the
      Katrina crisis -- Goodman
      reminds that they really had
      been alerted it was
      coming: she recited a litany
      of ignored warnings, and             Condoleeza Rice was out
      blatant non-action even              shopping, being accosted
      *after* the hurricane hit.           by citizens asking why
                                           she wasn't at work on the
      This had an interesting              emergency.
      side-effect: there was no
      military in New Orleans to
      embed the media inside of,
      which means that they              So the point is that this
      reported what happened, or         obsession with "victim-hood" is
      as Goodman put it, they            not just a psychological oddity:
      reported the events "from          it's a politically important
      the victim's point of view".       topic -- a point of view that
                                         citizen's need to make

  This speech is                             It might seem like a flaw
  the tightest                               in our decision-making process,
  presentation                               it might seem like we should
  I've ever heard                            be able to make moral decisions
  on this theme.     Well, okay,             just based on statistics and
                     so when she             principles...
                     really gets
                     going maybe             But the American public is
                     she does sound          clearly not composed of
                     a little like           such pure intellects --
                     Mussolini...            maybe it's impossible to
                                             to be one -- and the decision
                        An endearing         to shield us from the unpleasant
                        quirk.               can *only* be politically
                                             motivated manipulation.

                                                  Given a choice,
  She closes:                                     shouldn't we
                                                  prefer access to
  "We have a choice;                              more information
  we can be the sword                             rather than less?
  or the shield."

  And she adds:                             "Those damn bleeding heart
                                             whiners, always full of
  "_Democracy_ _Now_."                       sympathy, never willing
  and raises her fist.                       to tell people to pull
                                             themselves up by their
  The audience responds                      bootstraps -- "
  with a standing ovation.
                                                Is there some way to
                                                stretch that to cover
                                                New Orleans?

                                                The poorest half of
                                                the city was supposed
                                                to have made their
                                                own evacuation plans?

                                                   They should've taken up
                                                   a collection to inspect
                                                   the dikes, and rebuild
                                                   them themselves?

                                                 What should a
                                                 Lebanese citizen
                                                 do to evade an
                                                 Israeli cluster
