March 6, 2018
I don't do internet "streaming" myself,
I much prefer to do my own buffering by And later I archive the
saving media files to my hard media files to DVD-Rs.
drive first, before playing them.
Though it's not very often that
I gather a lot of folks out there I actually watch the videos
feel the need for high bandwidth to again.. Sometimes I listen to
watch high-def video without hangups the sound files:
during streaming... I couldn't care
I think some sites are using
streaming as a form of copy I have, by the way, later
protection, to discourage bought official dvd releases
folks from "piracy"... for stuff i've seen online.
This seems ridiculously lame "Japan Video" over in San
and easily circumvented, but Francisco has made that
people being people, for all relatively easy, even for
I know it mostly works. things like korean dramas.
If you want to save media
files to disk, you should
look for a browser extension
to do it. "Video Download
Helper" works well-enough
with firefox, though it's
interface is fairly clunky.
I've been watching a bit more anime of
late, I think because of the animedao site:
For live comedy/dramas
It's much like a number of such I've tended to go with
aggregator/front-end sites, but it has places like "goodrama.to".
a relatively low degree of bullshit,
and it works reasonably well with video It has some gotchas
download plugins like VDH-- you need to get used
to, but it's workable.
I would really like to be able And it doesn't seem to
to say I like crunchyroll.com, I've left slam you with bitcoin
but it's not suitable for my crunchyroll mining operations or
anything but streaming, so subcription anything like that.
I've all but given up on it. running for
I used to use it quite a bit-- years though--
supporting the
I know most of you out there use and all.
have sequestered yourself in
netflix land, but their anime One of these days
offerings are remarkably lame. I'll give viki.com
I did a search over at a a try. I still need
friends place the other day, a good source of
and next to "Mushi-shi" there bollywood films.
wasn't anything worth
(Sep 13, 2018)
Oh while I'm doing site More on crunchyroll vs animedao:
recommendations, have you folks At present, crunchyroll has gotten
heard of "youtube"? I find a little more aggressive with it's
some people are so stuck on paywall plus trial offer approach,
netflix they've stopped looking but then I know it's a legit site:
for things at youtube, but they kick money to the Japanese
there's often quite a bit anime industry. On the other
there, if not always quite HD. hand, they *still* require a flash
player, which seems increasingly
Some of it seems to be primitive.
more-or-less "gray market"--
I can never tell if it was AnimeDao on the other hand works
pirated (and perhaps ignored out-of-the-box, and as mentioned,
on purpose), or freely plays well with the firefox video
released temporarily in hopes download plugins. It is, however,
of drumming up interest in it a little more "gray market",
(before yanking it away using the dodge that they're just
again)-- indexing videos up at third party
There's also some youtube
competitors out there, (which "Unless otherwise stated, all
you can find via search engine video content is uploaded by
video searches), and one and hosted on the servers of
should not neglect the mighty third-parties, so called Video
archive.org, either. Sharing Websites, such as, but
not limited to Veoh, YouTube,
Dailymotion and Myspace Videos."