January 12, 2022
On the occasion of William Burroughs
death, there was a smattering of The "noise" list, the internal
comments in a discussion group I was mailing list for KZSU DJs.
frequenting at the time, including one
woman who remarked: Later shut-down by station
management to keep the
"Good riddance." volunteers from colluding with
each other too much, I suspect.
From this, I think we can safely
assume that she was someone who
doesn't look kindly on guys who
shoot their wives in the head and The Burroughs apologists at wikipedia
get away with it. kept insisting on calling this an
"accidental shooting"-- I kept
There were some points I pointing out we couldn't *know* it
thought to make about this, was an accident. They eventually
but I don't think I did-- in shut up when it was pointed out
effect my take on Burroughs Burroughs was literally convicted of
is that he really *wasn't* homicide in Mexico.
any sort of nice guy, and
later attempts at turning him
into some sort of hero or
role model really didn't make
any sense.
There wasn't any reason to take
anything he said at face value-- Back in the 1940s, the
to my eye, he was spinning all nascent beats would do
the time, one eye always on improv theatricals in John
manipulating the suckers, which Vollmer's apartment, and
is to say, you and me. one of Burroughs favorite
characters was a female
Doesn't Burroughs seem a lot like european con-artist intent
someone was always asking himself on taking the naive
"What would Doctor Benway do?" Americans rolling in cash.
Doesn't that fit?
Burroughs was a guy with a pretty
slimey head, but what he had going
for him as a writer was the
willingness to let that slime ooze
out on the page...
(I've covered most everything I wanted to
BURROWING say already, in bits and pieces, here
BURROWING_LOWER and there... so let's close with this
small directory of Burroughsism...)