January 7, 2014

There's a well-known effect with survey
questions where changes in wording can
influence the result.

You can intentionally prime the audience
with certain kinds of thinking, and
largely dial-in any reaction that you

That can be a depressing thing to learn: yet
another sign of our poor thinking skills.

But you can take that another way, and ask "what
do we need to do to prime rational thought"?
Can you engage the ice mind (Kahneman's
"System 2") by say, priming it in multiple
directions and forcing a state of confusion    A contrary application: there's
that needs to be thought through?              a tactic sometimes used in jury
                                               trials: go over and over the
Next question: can you train people            evidence until it loses it's
to invoke that state themselves?               power to shock.
Ask unasked questions before giving
any answer.                                    Is "System 2" lacking in
                                               moral compass?

