September 2, 2012
October 1, 2012
Reading a bunch of doujinshi pornographic
manga, one of the striking things about
them is the way they feint in one direction "Doujinshi" essentially
and then back-off: there's some apparently means amateur manga,
conscious effort to avoid "going too far". though many seem
more like semi-pro.
I don't know what vintage these
are, but I suspect that the more
recent work is more hardcore-- (But that rule of thumb
has led me astray, before.)
A simple example: in one, "Takeda
Hiromitsu Tsundero", we're introduced
to a young woman who is still a virgin,
but is nevertheless already a serious
pervert (as the story opens she's This reminds me a bit
masturbating with an anal dildo and a of "Memoirs of a Beatnik":
vibrating egg taped to her clit)
The well-informed virgin.
She has an entirely plausible social
problem: despite being fairly attractive That's more
she isn't sure what to do about "dating". interesting to me
She's afraid she'll either gross out some than the usual
normal fellow with her warped requests, or "seduction of
she'll get someone who's willing enough, the innocent".
but then tells stories behind her back.
Men in general seem
That's actually an interesting conundrum. remarkably timid--
It's resolved with a chance encounter with despite, or perhaps
a different sort of perv-- there's this because of the brash
nerdy fellow who's been stalking her; and macho male stereotype,
one day, after-hours, she finds him they have this weird
masturbating over her desk. (Her first fear of experienced
impulse is to taste his semen.) women.
The story then veers off into entirely Japanese men seem
conventional lines for this sort of particularly bad:
manga: felatio, gigantic breasts, they're obsessed with
dripping body fluids everywhere... and virgins, often
unprotected straight intercourse very young virgins.
(It's not unusual for female characters
to be shouting "yes, get me pregnant"-- AKB48
there are a number of oddities about
these things).
She never does anything terribly unusual
with this boy: her problem at the outset
seems completely forgotten.
The girl loses control to her passion
immediately: she does not, for example,
use this embarassing incident to blackmail
him into being a secret sex-slave.
The difference in their social status--
pretty girl and despised nerd-- also
completely fades. There's no question
like "I can't be seen in public with
him--" (Let alone: "Breed with you?
Get that thing out of me now!").
The reason this is a good example
of what I'm talking about is that As a rule a mixed attitude
it's so obvious: it introduces a toward anal sex can be seen
woman obsessed with sex acts that through all of this genre (or
never happen. this vintage of the genre?):
in every drawing of a naked
woman, her anus is prominently
rendered. Sometimes it's
commented upon, and yet it's
rarely touched.
There are other examples that
are just as obvious, but more
complex to talk about.
Consider "Camp Heaven", a story about a young man who
becomes a teacher at a "Futanari Academy", where some
medical staff have been conducting some astoundingly
unethical experiments, raising a crop of human
hermaphrodites, who are all conditioned as nyphomaniacs
and (we learn ultimately) sold as sex slaves.
The "futanari" fantasy is an entire sub-genre of
it's own. It means "dual form": futanari have both
vaginas and penises, but they always register as
young-women-with-penises (rather than androgynous,
or men-with-tits).
This is clearly a fantasy for the
straight-male-perv rather than for gay
men: the cute-little-girl-with-penis
is a way way of sanitizing the idea of
playing with a penis (that is, someone VILLAINOUS_MASK
else's penis) for guys who aren't
willing or able to deal with even the
thought of bisexuality.
The male main character quickly becomes an
enthusiastic sexual partner of this trove
of futanari, for him it's the Heaven of the
title (rather than the nightmare it would
reasonably have to be).
But we never see this man
do anything at all with
their penises. Though we do see the
futanari using each
A few times, it's implied that other's penises.
this is going to happen, but
this is always right at the
close of a chapter and it's
essentially played as a joke
rather than something the
audience would like to see.
This reminds of 70s era
"Penthouse", where the
attaction and repulsion... letters column regularly
featured bisexual orgies,
the fascinating and but the photo sections
the forbidden... were women and women-only.
(They dropped the
bisexual orgies
in the post-AIDS