December 17, 2005
So, what's my Actually, though, I
favorite scene think I could pick
from "War and another "scene": when
Peace"? Pierre meets Andrei
again after their
I would probably various travails
have to pick the (Andrei's near death at
same scene that the battle of
Freeman Dyson did: Austerlitz, Pierre's
duel and divorce).
They find that each
other has moved roughly
But really I think in opposite directions:
it's a silly Andrei has retreated
question. "War and and become concerned
Peace" is a novel of solely with his family,
ideas, of character but Pierre has moved
portraits, far more outwards, toward the
than a collection of realm of spirit and
scenes. ideals.
A better question As they argue these huge
might be "what is and insoluble issues --
your favorite though over a century
character portrait"? hence perhaps we're in a
position to push them a
But even that... little further now --
why pick one? How both are conscious that
are you to choose? Andrei is much more
intelligent than Pierre;
and though Andrei listens
Prince Andrei is a carefully, it seems
very impressive impossible he could be
hero in a book that swayed by Pierre's
almost undercuts simple assertions...
the possibility of
heroism. And yet, something
happens in Andrei
But isn't Pierre a because of this
more interesting discussion. He
portrait in a way? catches a glimpse of
His general weakness, his old vision of the
his good intentions grandeur of the sky.
and his inability to
follow through on For no good reason,
them; the way he this encounter is a
continually gets turning point.
blocked or
manipulated by the
people around him...
Or then, there's
General Kutozov...
a great leader
that doesn't take
the idea of being
a Great Leader