February 19, 2011
I listened to most of
"The Flaming Jewell" If I remember right,
by Robert W. Chambers Chambers was well respected
(1922) in genre circles for a
work of fantasy, "The King
Hugger-mugger in the aridondacks, in Yellow".
chasing around after some stolen
royal jewels (if that's not Or was it for a mystery
redundant)... novel, "The Yellow
Chamber", or something?
A number of things seemed
remarkable to me about this No, that's yet another odd
book, which sprawls a bit mental glitch on my part:
more than it needs to with 'twas "The King in
too many characters, and some Yellow", which apparently
repetitious events as the used some schtick similar
jewels are stolen, stolen to Lovecraft's Necronomicon.
back, stolen again...
One remarkable item was the female lead, a
young woman named Eve who grew-up in this
backwoods locale and has no problem handling a
rifle. She performs a number of daring escapes,
climbing down a cliff and transferring to a
tall pine, crawling through a tunnel and
swimming an icy lake.
Plucky Young Women were apparently
something of a cliche in those
days: it's rather strange how
thoroughly they faded from the
scene after World War II, only to
return decades later in the 60s.
Another remarkable thing: in one chapter SAVAGE_HONEYCOMB
multiple factions are scrambling around in
the woods chasing after the jewels, and one
of the good guys tries using his hunting
hounds. He immediately decides this was a
complete mistake: "These dogs haven't ever
been used for anything but tracking beaver,
they can't get the idea that you want them to
track down a man." So the dogs keep running
off in irrelevant directions, chasing after
animals by the lake.
But the bad guys don't know this at
all: they hear the hounds baying, and
it sends them into a panic, they all
start scrambling around randomly in
fear that the hounds are about to find
them at any moment.
One of them tries to hide in the same place
that some beavers have taken shelter, and he
ends up being killed by these animals, which
cute cartoons aside, actually have some
rather nasty, powerful teeth and jaws.
This confused mess
struck me as quiet
believable, compared However, a lot of
to a typical action the punch is muted
novel. by the need to tell
this as a multi-
viewpoint narrative.
It's hard to see how
else it could be
conveyed, but "that
trick never works",
if you ask me.