December 1, 2006
October 3, 2013
Kenneth Robeson -- Quest of Qui (1935): Originally from:
A "Doc Savage" novel (originally
from the July 1935 issue).
There isn't anything much to like about
the Doc Savage series, though as a link
in the chain of the history of adventure ACT_OF_CREATION
fiction, it at least has some historical
Doc Savage is a genius in an
absurdly wide range of fields, REAL_GENIUS
much like "Our Man Flint" or
Buckaroo Banzai.
Like Buckaroo Banzai, Doc Savage has
an entourage of henchmen, a team of
"colorful characters" who are supposed
to have their own specialties...
But, unlike the Hong-Kong Cavaliers,
Savage's Men never seem to be good for The humorous rivalry
all that much, and their colorful between Monk and Ham
characteristics are a bunch of tedious in particular is a
"funny hats". long-running drag.
They don't even
function very well as
Watsons, because Doc
doesn't really talk
to them about anything.
This particular book is distinguished
by some physical action that's
unusually engaging-- e.g. a man on a
snow-covered coastline is attacked by
machine-gun fire from an airplane,
and he must burrow down into the snow It makes me wonder if
to hide. this is one of the
ones that was ghosted.
Trivia: John D. MacDonald was once (Robeson = Lester
invited to write some Doc Savage Dent usually,
stories. He read a few of them and but not always.)
turned the job down, saying he
didn't think he could deal with the
cardboard characters.
More savagery: