March 8, 2010
October 29, 2013
"I therefore plead for a science of happiness
to cure us of the miserable delusion that we
can achieve it by becoming richer than our
-- George Bernard Shaw,
"Too True to Be Good" (1931)
Behavioral economics has JUSTICE_HAPPY
supposedly come up with:
Allison's take on Nietzsche's
" ... the finding that notion of "The Gay Science":
societies experiencing
higher incomes are not The search for knowledge as
necessarily happier..." the purpose to life.
Or so says the review by (As opposed to resting secure
Alan Wolfe (Boston College, in the knowledge that we are
PoliSci) or Derek Bok's god's children, or some such
"The Politics of Happiness" thing.)
I had the impression that this must be
a really weak book, but I realized that
this was due to a New York Times book
review, which has become singularly
unreliable in recent years, since the
lords of the Times planted Tanenhaus TANENHAUS
there, formerly of the National Review.
And indeed Wolfe appears to have a
libertarian disgust at the thought
that the state might consider doing
more than stepping out of the way to
allow "the pursuit of happiness"
Back in the late-70s, a
On the other hand, Derek Bok is a friend of mine had to deal
former president of Harvard, so with a philosophy TA with a
I wouldn't expect to much of him. new-age vibe who asked the
class to "think about what
Dueling prejudices. makes you happy".
My friend-- a basic Long
Island dude-- responded:
"I was really happy when I bought my car.
I was really happy getting my hands down
my girlfriend's pants."
(If only government would work
on the *important* problems.)