October 28, 2013

I've heard Kim Stanley Robinson talk
about trying to develop a slogan to get
across the anti-materialism viewpoint.        DEMATERIALIZE

Something like                                           ANARCHIC_ROBINSON

   "Enough is enough"               I like this
                                    version, myself.
Or perhaps

   "Sufficiency is sufficient"

        The point is that the                          HAPPY_SCIENCE
        living for the sake of
        material greed doesn't
        really "work" all that
        well, as far as say,          Recent decades have seen a lot
        achieving happiness goes.     of celebration of greed in one
                                      form or another...
        And yet, one need not
        back into some sort of            "He who dies with the
        hippy-trippy "all you             most toys wins."
        need is love" mysticism.                                         
                                             ...with the common presumption     
        Material beings have                 that because greed can not be      
        material needs, and                  eliminated it must be embraced     
        some degree of satisfaction          as all that there is, and          
        of them is a necessity               elevated to the level of a         
        for doing anything else,             moral center.                      
        but it doesn't follow from                                              
        that that materialism is                It may be that this            
        the whole story.                        was all a fad.             


