December 10, 2006
February 18, 2007
To value "the exotic"
for it's own sake:
a fairly silly notion, Would it be better if we
but rarely with evil effects. were culture blind?
Must we see all
cultures as the same,
neither good or bad?
Avoiding prejudice
should not require that
we abandon judgement.
A Bay Guardian writer
sneers at people who
think a jpop girl band's A rap included in Miya Masaoka's
broken english is cute "What's the Difference Between
or sensual -- Stripping and Playing the
Violin": a male asian sex worker
Being regarded as talks about how they get
"cute" because of "broken english" calls, on
your ethnic back- occasion -- people who want them
ground is better to role-play ignorance of English.
than being regarded
as scary or evil, There's apparently a general
or as asians *used* sense that you should turn down
to be "inscrutable". these calls on moral grounds.
It's not a color-blind
utopia, but it's better
than nothing, and may
very well be a step in And the idea that you're
that direction. going to *erase* these kinds
of associations by finger-
waggling -- good luck.
My guess: you'll
drive the fetishes
underground, and
make them stronger.
(December 11, 2005)
My "Asian Fetish" is doing fine,
You can make a similar case thank you, running at about 15%
for the current image of the normal for American white guys.
gay male couple in pop culture:
they tend to be treated as Treating human beings
comic figures. as human beings isn't
a bad ideal; but if we
GROOVEN_IMAGES can't quite manage
that, maybe valuing
It's not a position of The Other as "exotic"
respect, but it's a big is better than fearing
step toward acceptance. it as The Unknown.