January 14-18, 2013
"One foundation executive told me that he was quite
upset that his teen-agers had chosen to go to
'Bonnie and Clyde' ... He took it as a sign of
lack of maturity. I think his kids made an honest
choice, and not only because 'Bonnie and Clyde' is KAEL_TECHNIQUE
the better movie, but because it is closer to us,
it has some of the qualities of direct involvement And if you don't
that make us care about movies." agree, you must
be dishonest.
-- Pauline Kael, "Trash, Art, and the Movies"
So, here we have the honesty, the
*authenticity* of the pure populist
And the unfortunate vulnerability of
the public to the opinions promulgated
by respectable critics --
But for some reason, we're *not*
supposed to reject Kael's opinions The problem of
along with the other critic's... authority that
plagues all of
The rebel assaults the cathedral,
and yet, why should you have any
faith in the rebel?
Pollack was brilliant, and
yet "my kid could do that".
Cage's work is fascinating,
but... was he *really* a composer?
"It's the feeling of freedom from
respectability we have always enjoyed
at the movies that is carried to an
extreme by American International
Pictures and the Clint Eastwood
Italian Westerns; they are stripped
of cultural values."
-- Pauline Kael, "Trash, Art, and the Movies"
Really? Myself I can't imagine how you
would strip an art form of "cultural
values"... unless you had a very snobbish
High Art view of what constituted "culture".
But Honest Kael is a woman
of the people, right?
Or maybe the idea is that Kael
was once a common person, before
having crossed over into her
state of critical omniscience.
By the end of the essay she's
talking about how she's moved GROWING_KAEL
beyond this, e.g. she's
losing interest in fiction...
She even complains about those damn kids
who don't know the history of the medium,
and are fooled by things that have been
done before.
So okay kids: do you
need to be up on the
complete works of If you do, then this is
Cagny, Raft, and something you might
Bogart before you can look to a Pauline Kael On the other hand,
make sense of Bonnie for help with-- a lazy critics intent
and Clyde? knowledgeable critic on "documenting
who can point out some their own reactions"
Do you need a deep antecedents for you, or some such, that
background in and show how they place might be less useful.
pirate movies your current faves in
before you can context. Or showing off how
comprehend the smart they are by
60's anti-hero? cleverly trashing
one of everyone
else's favorites.