May 21, 2010
H.G. Wells in "The Outline of History" (1920):
"It is curious to note how slowly the mechanism of the intellectual
life improves. Contrast the ordinary library facilities of a
middle-class English home, such as the present writer is now
working in, with the inconveniences and deficiencies of the
equipment of an Alexandrian writer, and one realizes the enormous
waste of time, physical exertion, and attention that went on
through all the centuries during which that library flourished.
Before the present writer lie half a dozen books, and there are
good indices to three of them. He can pick up any one of these six
books, refer quickly to a statement, verify a quotation, and go on
writing. Contrast with that the tedious unfolding of a rolled
manuscript. Close at hand are two encyclopaedias, a dictionary, an
atlas of the world, a biographical dictionary, and other books of
reference. They have no marginal indices, it is true; but that
perhaps is asking for too much at present. There were no such
resources in the world in 300 B.C. Alexandria had still to produce
the first grammar and the first dictionary. This present book is
being written in manuscript; it is then taken by a typist and
typewritten very accurately. It can then, with the utmost
convenience, be read over, corrected amply, rearranged freely,
retyped, and recorrected. The Alexandrian author had to dictate or
recopy every word he wrote. Before he could turn back to what he
had written previously, he had to dry his last words by waving them
in the air or pouring sand over them; he had not even
blotting-paper. Whatever an author wrote had to be recopied again
and again before it could reach any considerable circle of readers,
and every copyist introduced some new error. Whenever a need for
maps or diagrams arose, there were fresh difficulties. Such a
science as anatomy, for example, depending as it does upon accurate
drawing, must have been enormously hampered by the natural
limitations of the copyist. The transmission of geographical fact
again must have been almost incredibly tedious. No doubt a day
will come when a private library and writing-desk of the year
A.D. 1919 will seem quaintly clumsy and difficult; but, measured by
the standards of Alexandria, they are astonishingly quick,
efficient, and economical of nervous and mental energy."
-- p.345-7, Chapter XXIV, "Science and Religion at Alexandria"