May 3, 2010
Have I remarked today on how much I enjoy
the convenience of modern technology?
I get some food together, and decide
to sit down and watch a DVD.
o Pop the case open, get a whiff of
noxious plasticizers.
o Fight the spider, which holds the
center of the disk with a death grip.
o Power up the Philips, wait.
o Punch the open button, wait.
o Wait for the DVD to get through the
FBI warning and corporate flourishes Typically it will not let you
(yes, not much difference) skip past these things: we
control the vertical, we
o Then you need to navigate control the "trusted client".
the trailers.
If I think of it, I often
Then you need to study the root menu, start-up the disk with the
which is, of course, not standardized, screen off, before I'm
because that would impinge on the ready to watch it.
freedom of Designers to display their
creativity while your food is getting Something like putting
cold. the kettle on the moment
you step into the kitchen.
o Hit play all.
Or like Number 6's
Oops: if this is an anime disk, the defaults are morning routine,
usually all wrong: shoving the radio
inside the refrigerator.
o go into setup.
o switch off dubs
o switch on subs (Do these two things *have*
to be a separate step?)
There are often Resume features that
will let you start again from where
you left off last time, but I can
never quite remember how to do this And you know, if this
with my Phillips... it's a hidden were just one of those
feature of some sort: when you hit primitive old VHS tapes,
play (or powerup?) you also have to "Resume" would be the
lean on some other key at the same default. Shove the tape
time. in, and it plays.
You've got to do this at just the And no nonsense about
right time. if you forget and miss not being *allowed*
the window you're screwed. to fast-forward past
certain parts of it.
Also, I often turn it off with a
power-strip, which I suspect
erases the memory.