December 1, 2011

  A funny side-effect of watching
  "Lucky Star": I have the sudden            "Lucky Star" is an intentionally
  realization that a huge gulf               slow, static, character-driven
  yawns between the Japanese and             comedy with entirely realistic
  the American "otaku":                      premises: the main character is
                                             an otaku, most of her friends
    The main character in                    are "normal", and that's it.
    Lucky Star is obsessed
    with anime... and that                                As such, this is
    means she watches a lot    Other aspects of her       a genre entry (or
    of network television.     otaku lifestyle are        at least, it is
                               clearly a little           marketed toward
  One gathers that the         more underground...        fans of a genre),
  stuff she watches is         the bi-annual              and yet it
  considered a little          pilgrimage to the          intentionally
  odd by the standards         comiket convention,        violates genre
  of the straights, but        the part-time job in       conventions...
  it's no where near as        a cosplay cafe, etc.
  off-the-beaten track                                        DHALGREN
  as it is for the
  American otaku...       (Or at least it was              Listening to the
                          until the Cartoon                fans complain about
    The American          Network started showing          this can be pretty
    Otaku is a            stuff like Cowboy                funny.  They love
    determinedly          Bebop on cable.)                 the theme song, they
    strange beast,                                         like the closing
    the Japanese                                           bit, and they jump up
    Otaku consumes                                         and down about how
    a readily                                              the slice of life
    available media                                        stuff in the middle
    product.                                               isn't any good,
                                                           because-- ?


                                                   (Dec 30, 2017)
                        Though, consider the "Genshiken": The young       
                        Sashahara had always been shy about embracing     
                        his otaku inclinations; he down-played them       
                        until getting to college.  Before that he'd       
                        been shy about collecting pornographic            
                        doujinshi, or buying expensive moe figurines      
                        complete with panties for upskirt viewing.        