October 2, 2008
October 10, 2008
October 19, 2008
What do I have to say
about "masculinity",
if anything? SCREAMED_WITH_JOY
I like to think that I deal with most
things in a gender neutral way. MISOGYNY
For example: I'm interested in the
tropes in play in what I often call
"male adventure fiction", but I don't
see any particular reason that at their It's possible to look at them
core they need be associated with the as tales of competence and
masculine. effectiveness and avoid any
male-specific terminology.
I like to take the (once standard)
line that masculinity is (almost) But doesn't that seem a
entirely a social construct. bit self-consicously
It's not an accident that I'm
more interested in things The bare fact is
masculine, but there's no reason that superhero
to assume that males *have* to comics are almost
be programmed this way. exclusively read
by males.
But then of late, I've been
inclined to take the line that it HULK_JONES
is not necessarily a flaw of men if
they're interested in things we
associate with "masculinity"-- it
could be a flaw with women that If you embrace the
they're not interested in them. old feminist dream of
a unisex world, you
might try to achieve Another
a gender-independant stab:
society by blending
the feminine and the ROLES
masculine, or by TRANS
eliminating the
masculine... *or* by
eliminating the
In other words, I don't
(But then, I don't take it as a given that
hang out with masculinity == evil.
drunken football
fans very often.) Historically, the
masculine has been
dominant, and so
historically evil
correlates well with
the masculine,.. but BAD_SMELL
it is not only evil
that does so.
(October 5, 2008)
It used to be I might wonder
what I was doing wrong when,
once again, I ended up in a
situation where I was
surrounded by a bunch of guys.
In recent years, I've come to
the conclusion that it's just
not my fault if women aren't
interested in cool stuff.
This is not to say that there
isn't still a lot of sexism out
there in the world, but external STANDING_WATER
sexist pressures alone can't
explain the gender disparities: a
field like computer programming
just doesn't have enough of sexism
built into it to explain the We tend to focus on
absence of women on those grounds the horror stories --
alone. male surfers gang-
raping the lone
The problem -- presuming it's female surfer --
a problem -- would seem to lie but in the world's
in "female culture": the I inhabit, it's
internalized images of what completely different.
endeavors are of interest to
women. I don't think I know of
a single male programmer
(single or not) that
(Feb 19, 2017) isn't overjoyed to get
But then: I formed these to talk to a woman who
impressions, and wrote this actually understands
stuff down, way back before programming.
the invasion of the
"brogrammers"-- we're now [ref]
living through a "Revenge
of the Frat-Boys" era where
things are (reportedly)