November 9, 2010
Add: December 25, 2010
"The Melancholy of
Haruhi Suzumiya" (2006)
First impressions...
Later conclusions:
The first question: "Melancholy?"
Is that right? Haruhi seems more KYONISM
hyper than melancholy...
The Japanese title is: "Suzumiya
Haruhi no yûutsu", and the I would not assume that
on-line dictionaries tell us the this (lightly) mangled
word there is "gloom, English is entirely
depression, melancholy". unintentional, by the way...
In the context of the story, SUNDAY_CAMP
I think it's more like
"boredom", or more precisely
Haruhi is unhappy with the mundane world,
and determined to find something more
interesting, something like the fantastic
worlds of manga and anime.
This is a very late-period anime, very
self-aware of anime's obsessions, it
regards them with humor, and yet even so, It is all too common for
it remains enthusiastic about them... things like this to
degenerate into "spoof".
Self-reference to
otaku culture: the AWARE_BUT_THERE
characters often
cosplay within the Such as the "Excel Saga"
story. So somone who which is horrible, full
wants to cosplay one of shrill humor and
of the characters can meaningless "parody".
pick one of the For me, this was
standard looks the completely unwatchable.
characters have used,
e.g. playboy bunny. (I think it gets more
Instant, off-the-peg respect than it deserves
costume. because of it's
well-regarded director,
My suspicion is the Watanabe of Beebop fame.)
original writers of
"The Melancoly of This sort of parody often
Haruhi Suzimiya" annoys me: why act as though
started with the you're above the material when
initial opening in it clearly rules your head?
episode 1 (not episode
0), and then just NULL_HINGED
started jamming.
But then again, there's the "Ouran
Episode 1 begins with the High School Host Club", which is a
narrator ("Kyon") going on jokey, "satiric" treatment of it's
about how he once was into the subject matter, and yet it actually
idea of "aliens, future men and works.
espers" but put that stuff
aside by the time he got to You believe in the characters,
high school. Then on the first and perhaps more importantly,
day of school, while his new you're not expected to reject
home room is doing student the obsessions it makes fun of.
introductions, the girl sitting
behind him stands up, and HOST
announces she's not interested
in ordinary humans, but if
anyone is an "alien, future man A "future man" is
or esper", come see her. what we would call
"a time traveler
To seek out members of from the future".
this trinity, Haruhi and
Kyon form a school club NOUNIFICATION
(Haruhi names this "the
SOS Brigade", somewhat
randomly). The club
gradually acquires three
new members... and each
one of them reveals
themselves to be an alien,
a future man, and an They reveal themselves to
esper. Kyon, that is. To Haruhi,
who is actively seeking
Now here, we have a slight them, they say nothing.
plausibility problem: what
brought these three weird (And our alien Miss Nagato
characters together right actually does double-duty as
under Haruhi's nose? a cosmic "cyber-punk"/hacker:
she has the the ability to
The answer the writers contrive is reprogram reality.)
perhaps the only workable answer:
the female lead ("Haruhi Suzimiya",
or vice-versa if you're Japanese)
has some magical characteristics
she's unaware of, and she created
this situation without realizing it.
In fact, (as of Disk 2 or so, which is what
I'm up to, more or less), it appears that the
world is *entirely* a manifestation of
Haruhi's desires, and the super-trio faction
of the Brigade are nervously dancing around
the problem that Haruhi is unhappy with this
world as it is. They all treat her as a
spoiled princess-god whose whims have to be
satisfied or deflected or the world may end.
As plot devices go, this is an
exceedingly nasty cheat, and
it's remarkable they get this This is the sort of thing that
to work as well as it does. weakens if not ruins the later
works of Heinlein, and greatly
Of course, it could be that there diminishes the Cerebus Saga.
are some plot twists ahead...
the various characters have a When anything can happen
remarkably sketchy understanding then everything is meaningless.
of what's actually happening, and
it might turn out that they're
wrong in key points.