January 22, 2004
Revised: November 13, 2004
An interview with Delany in
Charles Platt's "Dream Makers" (1980):
"Primitive vitality is usually a
kind of illusion. If you have a
gut response to a story, you are
not responding to something new" A non sequitur: "primitive vitality"
would suggest something very old.
"What you are really
responding to is a story you
were told when you were six
or seven, which has been so Recently I looked at Delany's
overlaid, you don't recognize own Dhalgren (1975) again,
what it really is. But your and I found that the opening
subconscious recognizes it." lines sent chills down my
"If you're going to work
with these old things, I FUNCTION_OF_WORD_PATTERNS
think you do beter to
work with them with a I couldn't tell you if
sense of irony, to know it was the quality of
what you're telling the the writing, or just
old story and indeed keep the fact that I first
your tounge somewhat in read it when I was 15.
your cheek as you tell it."
Delany has probably never
said anything I disagree
with more strongly, though
the intervening decades of
increasingly enervated
tounge-in-cheek fiction
probably has a lot to do SUNDAY_CAMP
with my disgust.
If you're going to walk that path,
you'd better walk it like you mean
it. Take it seriously. Nothing is
more irritating than the pose that
these tropes are too silly for
intelligent people like yourself. TAKEN_LIGHTLY
Who do you think you're fooling?
Heretics that commit
sacrilege against
their own faith...
"You have to know what
these old stories are and
what they mean in order to Imagine you've taken this
actually say something new, to heart. The words from
because, if you don't, what your pen makes your hair
you will do is wind up stand on end, your beard
saying the old things with (or whatever) is bristling...
out knowing it."
And you're now supposed to
stand back, treat that
But you don't in fact reaction with suspicion,
need to be conscious of start deconstructing...
everything, which is a
good thing, because you All in a quest for novelty?
*can't* be conscious of
everything. NOVELTY_AGAIN
Some things have to be
internalized, worked
with "instinctively".
Having something to say is more
important than having something (Though that,
new to say. of course,
wouldn't hurt).