September 20, 2012
All genre inevitably
devolves to self-reference.
(or evolves?)
The genre itself is something
that all of the genre-fans
know and care about.
Many examples of the genre will
eventually be created that include
many self-referential elements John Dickson Carr's
("Murder at the Mystery Convention!") "The Three Coffins" (1935)
closes with a long
And *some* works will eventually be lecture discussing the
created that drop all genre elements ways "locked rooms"
*except* for the increasingly common are handled in mystery
self-references. novels.
It then becomes ambiguous as to whether
these meta-generic works are actually
members of the genre: it's a matter of
definition. If you need spaceships and
rayguns to be "science fiction", then
works about people who like to fantasize
about spaceships and rayguns aren't
necessarily "science fiction".
But if the genre is thought of in terms of
it's audience rather than it's ostensible
subject matter, (perhaps: as a "marketing
category"), then if the work in question is
designed to be of interest to people who
are interested in spaceships and rayguns,
then it's solidly inside the category.