Try not to get sea sick.
Chase it around and around,
look at at it this way and that
and still a third way if you
can find one. That's me: always
looking for the
third alternative,
the third party,
the third eye.
Then I wonder if
Tricks for three is enough.
Nth ways?
Look at two extremes, (can either be
choose a "compromise". definitely
ruled out?)
Look for internal
Argue against contradictions.
the compromise.
(Draw a line, then Try to think of
stand on top of it.) special cases
that don't work.
Thesis, antithesis,
synthesis, hoy!
If the facts exist
to settle the
"Ask the next question." issue, where would
--- Theodore Sturgeon you find them?
Calculate what can
The Poet's Choice: be calculated.
when offered a choice
between two things Understand the
always take both of them. magnitudes.
-- Gregory Corso
Try forced association with a
random list. (ESC x yow!)
Rezone. Slice it up
in a different way. DISSONANCE
Don't ignore the rinse cycle. Clean it
up if you can... But don't forget to
remove the soap when you're done.
Pretend you are someone
else you've just met.
Give yourself some simple EXTERNAL
advice, quickly before
the train arrives. "Have you considered suicide?"
Stop being so
Maybe you don't need NELSON
to exhaust all the
Perhaps there's no need
for something new.
Creativity is not
an end in itself.
Apply a general principle and Imagine a principle that
ask if it really does apply. could exist that would make
the solution easy.
Does it exist?
Bill Griffith: just another
standard issue liberal
intellectual, and yet Zippy
lets him transcend his
limitations and get at
another side to things.
Invent your own Zippy.
Talk to him.
Clowns. Madmen. Aliens. Spirits. Demons. Alter Ego.
Morton Rigor. Bogart. Woody Allen. Virgil or Mussolini.
The Randroid. The Mother Thing. The Mother Box.
Just as Zippy arose
out of the Toad, so
must each angel "Turn your head.
be given a chance Learn to see in the dark."
to speak, without -- Rebecca Solnit
proof of divinity.
The true Zippy
chooses himself.
The great advantage of the The great curse of the
hack writer is the freedom to hack writer is to get used to
repeat yourself, to get it getting it wrong, to lose the
wrong several times before ability to tell what's good.
staggering toward getting it
right. GOOD.
First thought is best thought,
let the movement of the mind
provide the structure,
providing there is a mind, and
presuming it can move. Or is KEROUAC
If you see something you hate,
stop reading. If you see
something you like, stop
reading. Maybe you should
write in response.
"What is needed is a gentler curiosity."
Paul Goodman, Why not put my
_Five Years: ideas where my life is and
Thoughts During A Useless Time_ try to apply a little knee
jerk libertarian philosophy
GOODMAN for once.
"Those aren't
WINOS--that's my JUGGLER,
my AERIALIST, The latext novel.
my SWORD SWALLOWER, and The rubber text, the
my LATEX NOVELTY flexibile novelty.
SUPPLIER!!" Drunken => apparently
pointless or absurdly
exhalted, an extreme
state attained by
juggling supressing portions of
black with or the normal state. Other
boxes. without methods. The deadline.
dreads. Three balls only, one
minute for the quip, one TIME_CONSTANTS
BLACKBOX second for the spike.
Fatigue poisons.
silence. Exhausting the topics not
procrastination. possible if the 2D links
running, physical exhaustion. can only let me go in 2
Other swords of or 3 directions at most.
Fake it, then Are these "graphical"
unfake it. links too obscure?
Maybe there isn't
any need to remove The only cue I use is
the scaffolding. proximity. People
probably read through
going left to right,
and top to bottom,
then figure out the
Try running the logical connections
word dissociation later (if ever).
routine on *this* file.
Go looking for inspiration
in the entrails.
Really, while randomness has
a certain romantic appeal to me,
I think it's nearly worthless.
I put much energy into
breaking out of ruts, and DISSONANCE
finding new directions,
when really my problem
is to follow through, to
stick to it until it's (May 14, 2017)
Start with a direction, then wander.
Not vice-versa.
(June 14, 2011)
"Never try to be great.
Just play the scene."
-- Laurence Olivier advice
for Dustin Hoffman
(May 12, 2023)