November 9, 2013
"Mysterious Girlfriend X" the
anime made (faithfully) from
the manga:
A story with fantastic premises left
unstated, where the the real point of the OPENENDED
story is to use these fantastic premises
as a vehicle for a peculiar kind of-- you
might say "sex comedy", but one that only
a Japanese brain could produce.
The Mysterious Girlfriend of the title
is a middle-school girl who at the
outset of the story sleeps constantly.
She is, for example in the habit of
skipping lunch and going to sleep with
head down on her desk.
The male viewpoint character of the
story wakes her up one afternoon to OTAKU_DUSK
tell her it's time to go home-- and
after she leaves, he looks at a I sometimes call
puddle of saliva she's left behind this show "Drool
on her desk, and on impulse dips a Maiden of Narcolepsy"
finger in it and tastes it.
This strikes me as completely
brilliant, the kind of warped
detail only someone with a deep
understanding of teenage boys (I remember once licking
(and a really good memory of a girl's abandoned pen.)
being one) could come up with.
As the story progresses, they
develop an odd romance involving
spit-swapping-- literally, in this A side-note in the collected
case: they slurp it up off of a manga has the author mention
proferred finger. that a middle-school setting
was chosen to make the main
Does there exist another characters relatively chaste
culture that could've relationship seem more plausible.
produced a work like this?
The translator adds that this
is a reference to a "sexual
The closing sequence of the revolution" going on among
show, while the ending theme Japanese teenagers.
plays, shows scenes of every A present day reader, just a
one of the female characters few years later, might be
asleep under different puzzled by these young
circumstances, all of them teenagers just *talking*
drooling away. about having sex some day.
In general, I think anime is
struggling with the necessity
of avoiding explicit sex to
comply with the standards of
mainstream television, though
the audience has no such
Stories abound about young
boys who avoid having sex with
the pretty young women they're
involved with.
Why is rarely adequately
explained: it's just a
genre convention.
But *without* this
convention, much of
the tension that
makes the stories
work would evaporate.